Bon Appetit

"Ugh! Why is it so hot?" Jayden complained.

Isobel looked at the sky,

...It was covered with black clouds.

Isobel puffed her cheeks in annoyance. It was probably going to rain soon and here was Jayden, his highness, who couldn't even bear the temperature. It was probably 45 or 50 right now. This kind of weather rarely came in Merceville especially at this time of the year.

Someone must have sacrificed about seven people for it.

Ha! Kidding!


Isobel shook her head. No one sacrificed anyone. At least she hoped no one did. And if someone did, why did they leave Jayden alive? Maybe next time she will be luckier.

They both walked on the sidewalk in silence. One enjoying the weather and the other silently cursing at it. Isobel didn't live very far from the school and in a short time, they were standing in front of the porch. From the outside, the house looked grandiose. It has been built with red bricks and has mahogany wooden decorations. Small, half-rounded windows add to the overall style of the house and have been added to the house in a fairly asymmetrical pattern.

The building is shaped like a T. The two extensions extend into stylish gardens reaching until the end of that side of the house. The garden was mostly grass and bushes and a few small trees.

The roof was low and v-shaped and is covered with wood shingles. Two large chimneys poke out the centre of the roof.

Isobel put her hand in her back pocket to open the door but before she could even insert it the door flung open.

In front of them stood a woman. Brown, short hair braided to reveal a full, lived-in face. Glistening grey eyes, set rooted within their sockets. Soft skin alluringly complimented her mouth. Her lips and nose were just like Isobel. Her smile was infectious and really bright.

"Mom! You are home early!" she exclaimed and launched herself on the petite woman. The older woman laughed and hugged her tightly. Isobel separated and grabbed hold of Jayden to push him in along with her mother.

"Hello, Ms Ferguson. I am Jayden. It's so nice to finally meet with you.'' Jayden introduced himself, shooting her a charming smile that showed his innocent face and gave her a firm handshake. Parents loved him and Isobel's mother wasn't going to be any different.

Isobel's mother was so bright and happy, even though she had a few frown lines on her head, the happy wrinkles next to her made them fade away, she was absolutely pretty for her age. She smiled at him cheerfully and hugged him. This surprised Jayden slightly but he didn't stiffen. He was a huge sucker for hugs. "Oi! Hush, hon. just call me Evianna or Evi. You are friends with my daughter, there must be something wrong with you. All retarded kids are my child." Evianna chirped up in her posh British voice making Isobel scowled and Jayden burst out laughing.

Isobel's mother was so savage.

He loved her.

"Ah, I pity you, Evi. must suck, being stuck with her all the time," he said with fake sympathy. Evianna grinned. Ah! someone to ruffle up Isobel, she loved the kid. She loved Cara because of the same reasons as well.

"Fine. Go ahead, both of you. Guess I won't be making pasta and garlic bread tonight for anyone." Isobel huffed and stalked towards the refrigerator. Both Jayden and Evianna followed her to the kitchen whining and begging for her to reconsider. Isobel's pasta was something they would even murder for. From plain to extra spicy that makes your eyes and nose water, she could make it all.

Isobel opened the refrigerator and got the diet coke can from it. She put it on her face cooling her skin down a little bit more. The whines of Evianna and Jayden were falling on deaf ears. They were burning themselves up by making her see the reason to reconsider while Isobel was calmly sipping her drink paying them absolutely no mind.

Then she spoke, "I was actually thinking of making Bucatini all' amatriciana, with" she paused for the sake of a dramatic flare. Both Jayden and Evianna held their breath. Silently she added, "a touch of clam sauce in it." They both burst into cheers. Oh, Jayden could feel it on his tongue, hot pasta with Pecorino Romano cheese melting over it, the tangy tomatoes, guanciale, the spiciness of black pepper and dried chilli and over it all, the flavour of clam sauce. Jayden could already feel his mouth-watering. He could feel himself floating on cloud nine.

"But I guess now I won't," she added. Both Jayden's and Evianna's smiles dropped. They looked absolutely heartbroken. People on funerals look brighter than they did at the moment. Isobel almost caved in because of the pity she felt towards them looking at their faces.


She didn't though. Those two were true spawns of satan himself. Even though they were innocent, nice on the eye but they were devils. Isobel felt no remorse for that look on their faces, she was immune to it now.

Maybe it is true, redheads don't have a soul. Because anyone would have complied with their wishes by now, but she didn't. She continued with her diet coke.

Jayden sensed that it wasn't working slid a fifty towards her. This made Isobel's interest peek up. Though it still wasn't enough. She could have more than that and she knew it. So she continued with the cold shoulder. Jayden groaned and added a twenty as well. She still ignored it. Evianna added a fifty to it now. Isobel smirked. "You guys are almost there," she said, making Evianna add a twenty as well. She pocketed Neagirian $140 and stood from her seat.

Jayden almost wept for his pocked. This was daylight robbery, there was literally daylight coming in through the kitchen window. But he knew better than that. One single complaint and not only will she not give them any pasta but his 70 bucks will go down the river.

They both were confused though when she started making her way out of the kitchen. Isobel sensing their confusion frowned. "I said so at dinner. It's afternoon right now," she said matter of factly. They both shook their head, not agreeing with her. "We are supposed to do history right now." she declared and was again met with the shake of the head. "You know, you are the biggest procrastinator I have ever seen Jay." and was met with two blank faces.

Isobel groaned and put her head in her hands. "Fine! But we are doing history later. Both of you take your seats." And both Jayden and Evianna shuffled to their seats like two small puppies.

Isobel got to work instead of teaching Egyptian history.