Talking With Her

"You called Nefertiti," Jayden asked in his cold hard voice.

Nefertiti looked at him and smiled. Her dark brown eyes were darker. Clouded with lust. Jayden gulped. He knew exactly what Nefertiti wanted and he also knew that she was his daughter. "I just wanted to have a talk," she said.

'...And bed…' Jayden mentally added. He inwardly shivered at the memory of it.

"Nefertiti, I know what this is about. I am going to be honest, I do not feel well enough to engage in the activities with anyone. I'll do what I was brought here for and that is guide Tutankhamun." he answered with a finality in his voice.

Nefertiti's eyes turned cold. "Is Tey enough for you now? Are you sure you don't want to try before you make such a harsh decision," she asked.

"I did say to 'anyone'. It includes her as well. Do not forget that you hold higher regard." Jayden clenched his jaw and said. Nefertiti seemed to calm down a bit even if it was just a little bit.

"What were you talking about Toutankhaton?" she asked innocently. Jayden looked at her with a scowling expression making her smile turn down.

"I am aware that the news has reached you. You are aware that Tutankhamun is the name that our pharaoh has taken over. you wouldn't dare question the pharaoh's decision now would you? Are you above our god now?" it was a threat. Nefertiti looked at him and gulped. The man was not trying to warn her instead of threatening her. The pharaoh's decision was not to be questioned and she wouldn't dare to do so.

Nefertiti was the Great Royal Wife but that doesn't mean she'll make it out unscathed if she even raises a finger. The people of the city didn't like her, they said that she had too much power over her husband. Her list of allies was limited and she would be caught up in a bad situation if this was to happen. She had to work from behind the curtain.

Hard to be inconspicuous when she was a curtain twitcher.

The pharaoh was considered a god on earth, the intermediary between the gods & the people. As supreme ruler of the people. Jayden was aware of this and so was everyone. The mere reminding of people knowing who and who wasn't in the power to question shut people up. Nefertiti was no different.

She smiled her sickly sweet smile and nodded. She wasn't tough to read, and Jayden knew he had to be wary of her. He also needed to say something to her to make her a bit scared before she took any step. One lapse of judgement can make a difference between life and death.

"Hem-netjer-tepi shall be executed." Jayden declared. Nefertiti stiffened as her eyes widened. Her hands started fidgeting and her throat became dry. She gulped and looked around the room for something to put her eyes upon and distract herself. Everything she owned though just couldn't hold her eyes.

"Why?" she croaked. Nefertiti winced at her voice. She couldn't have sounded more suspicious. She cleared her throat by coughing a little.

"I told them no to breathe a word and they did. You wouldn't want the chaos it could cause before the king himself announces. This thought can be taken as jeopardy of their allegiance to the pharaoh. I won't consider it that way. I will take it as a personal attack towards me." he glared at her with his dark eyes and smirked. "You should know the best about my ego. After multiple times I've bedded you, think I have made myself clear? What I say, follows through." Now Jayden was truly acting like Ay. even though it was a bit disgusting it seemed to be working against her. Nefertiti winced and flinched but she also shivered in anticipation.

Jayden got up from his seat and Nefertiti followed his action. "You'd keep down on your actions Nefertiti. The last thing I want to do is execute you when I, myself, have various methods to punish you," he growled lowly in her ear and made his way towards the doors. "I've heard Moses is coming over," he said and went away.

Nefertiti was scared and frozen in her place. Ay knew what she was doing but told her to stop and this made her furious. Though the flirting had made her mood a bit better, she still had a bad taste in her mouth. It was like she was being denied of something and she was NEVER denied of anything. She was Nefertiti and she got everything before she even asked for it. She decided to not be bothered by anything and concentrate on Moses. If Ay wouldn't warm her bed, she certainly had other choices, and she rather liked Moses. The handsome man was aware of her beauty and always admired it when they were together. The man had always told her that he would write about her and that the future would remember her as the most beautiful woman in history.

She rather liked the idea.


Jayden made his way into the large luxurious room belonging to Tey and him and opened the chest in the corner. There was a bundle of cloth at the bottom of it. Jayden quickly unwrapped and looked at the contents in it. He should give it but he was waiting for the appropriate time. Every time Jayden looked at it, he couldn't stop his lips from curling upwards. It wasn't the beauty of it, though it was beautiful and dazzling but the meaning behind it was what made Jayden happy.

'Well, let's just hope I don't get stabbed.' Jayden said to himself.

[Host do want me to tell you the answer to it according to probability]

'Don't you dare, Eli.'

[I was just trying to help you, host.] Eli grumbled.

'Fair enough but that will just make me anxious.'

Jayden quickly wrapped it back up. He then stood up and made his way out of the door. They were having a meeting that Isobel had told him to organize. He decided that he'll give it after the whole meeting fiasco.

After they all come back to the room.