Mission Inside A Mission?

The moment Jayden walked into the room he noticed that there were a couple of dozen guards standing along with the court strategist, the head guard, Tey and Tutankhamun.

Tut was sitting in a high chair for the pharaoh looking just as relaxed as ever and did not have any care in the world and Isobel next to him was standing protectively and glaring at anyone who as much as looked at Tutankhamun the wrong way. People were trying to size up their new pharaoh at their official first meeting but the moment they tried to gaze at him they were in the line of Tey glaring daggers at them. Her gaze was so intense that they felt a hole burning in their skull and they quickly averted their gaze.

Tey, though looked hard and unyielding at the surface, was feeling pretty smug inside. The influence she had made her feel powerful and she was enjoying the rush of it.

Jayden looked at Isobel's thinly pressed lips which made her look threatening and rolled his eyes. He could tell with her posture that her lips were pressed in a line together to stop them from twitching upwards. She was enjoying the terror she created in the hearts of people.

She was evil that way.

Jayden took a step inside and the crowd parted for him. He strutted across the room and bowed down in front of the pharaoh making everyone follow his suit. Ay had never once fully bowed down to their previous king and this act alone had shaken people up. Tut motioned his hands and everyone stood up.

He went down to the boy and bent down towards him.

"Do you wanna do it?" He asked.

Tutankhamun shook his head in negative. "I want to make my first impression at the public announcement," he said, smirking.

Jayden looked at Isobel and she wore an identical smirk. At that moment he realized that maybe leaving Tutankhamun with her wasn't the best course of action. She had spoiled the child and made him evil and scary.

He clapped his hands together to gather everyone's attention to begin the meeting. He was impressed by having everyone's undivided attention. This made him glare down at them making them stiff even more.

'Now I understand why Isobel likes it so much.'

"Last night, Hem-netjer-tepi had disobeyed an order that was given to him by me on behalf of our pharaoh." Jayden declared in the room making everyone gasp. "Being a priest he still had the audacity to go against the one who gods themselves have sent to rule us." This sentence made everyone in the room nod their heads in affirmation.

Suck ups.

"Young as he may be, he is still the choice of Osiris and Amun-Ra to look upon us. That is why Tutankhamun will rectify the mistakes of Akhenaten and the execution of Hem-netjer-tepi will be a message to the public that disobeying the god's will, will get them punished even if they are the high priest," he said in his dangerously low voice.

"The capture will be silent and Tey will help us with it. When I motion the guards are to go ahead and capture him. Remember not a word should be a breath of it outside. If I found out, you'll be right next to him being executed. Osiris has no place for you shall you disobey him." Jayden warned the room darkly making a shiver go down their spine darkly.

"Any question?" he barked and everyone stumbled back a bit. The court strategist gulped and gathered all of his courage to look at Ay and point out his views. The glare for Ay shut his gaping mouth and he just nodded. He will just make a plan to get their reputation up if it ends badly in the eye of the public if it goes bad. Maybe they won't need it. Hem-netjer-tepi wasn't very well-liked and he didn't think there would be a riot for such a foul-mouthed man.

A celebration was possible for that.

Jayden turned towards Isobel and went towards her. "You okay to do that?" he asked her.

Isobel rolled his eyes at him. "We survived a cute murderous robot. I'm sure we will make it through Jay." she pressed, smiling.

Jayden huffed out a laugh and shook his head. RIP Fiber. He will be missed by many.

"You ready?"

"I was born ready, my darling. Keep the mind link open," she answered and started to walk out but Jayden stopped her.

"Be sure to come back to our room at night. I have something that needs to be done." Jayden told her. Isobel was confused but she nodded her head. 'Where else would she go?' Taking this as the cue she left the room and asked two guys to disguise themselves and follow her from a distance.


Climbing the stairs of the temple she noticed that there weren't many people here. Even with such a long reign of Akhenaten, all people didn't seem to truly embrace the idea of Aten as their god. It worked in their favour so she didn't care about it.

The less resistance the better acceptance.

She made her way upwards where Tey's memory told her would be the sacred cabin for Hem-netjer-tepi. She came across the same shorter man from the ceremony and stopped him. "Where is Hem-netjer-tepi? I need, eh, special guidance." the shorter guy redirected her exactly to where she was heading.

She walked the trail that she was following and came across a bowing down man. It was the high priest ending his prayer.

"Hem-netjer-tepi, I need to talk with you," she announced.

The priest stood from his position and grinned a feral grin. Isobel did everything in her power from making her face contour into disgust.

"Let's go somewhere else to talk, yeah?" he asked, his voice dropping down to a whisper.

Isobel just smiled at him and nodded at him. She followed the guy leading them to the back of the temple.

'Extraction Process Initiated.' she said in her mind for the mind link to catch it. 'Get the guards ready.'

'Done. Motion for your guards if that perverted man starts anything.' Jayden said. Even with the mind link, his worry was evident which made her smile.

'Will do.�� she told Jayden and continued following the man who kept looking at her and grinning at her in a way that made her insides crawl out of her throat.

But all she could do right now was smile.