
The guards put the cloth over his mouth and gagged him, the other guards tied his hands together and pushed him forward. His muffled cries could be heard to those around him. It being early afternoon, the roads were crowded so the guards pushed him through the pathway that leads to the outskirts of the palace.

Isobel was walking with them twirling a small stick in her hand but her eyes were glazed over making it clear that she was not paying attention to anything in her surroundings. She was too lost in her own mind. Isobel just followed them through.

Once in the court, she, along with the guards, bowed down in front of Tutankhamun and went to her place. Everything was organized. The word had been spread upon the new pharaoh wanting to talk and they just needed to keep the high priest somewhere. It was decided they'll just throw him in the corner and bring him to the public the moment.

It was only a few hours before he was to be killed, anyway.

No need to waste things on him.

A couple of guards beat him up and threw a bloody and beaten up high priest in the corner with a very possible case of concussion.

Just as the sky took its turn to take a bit of yellowish colour in the late afternoon A huge throne over a platform was set for Tutankhamun right outside to address the public. A huge chime rang across the multiple parts of Tell el-Amarna and people and children started gathering. During all this time Tut did not look unnerved for even a single moment.

The moment people started to crowd the centre Tutankhamun was led to his throne. Whispers broke out at the fact that young pharaoh has already descended the throne. The murmuring truly got wild when the bloody and bruised form of Hem-netjer-tepi made its appearance.

A barely conscious high priest was being led to the circle next to the throne that people hadn't noticed before.

It was the punishment circle.

The whole crowd took a mum when they slightly understood what was happening. It was a power display and it was working. The court strategist was very happy that he had not heard a single cry of outrage.

Suddenly, Tutankhamun's voice broke through the silence. Though his voice was a bit high pitched and childish the fact that it had way too much power and confidence behind it that not a single person dared to turn their head to meet his eye.

"I am Tutankhamun. The pharaoh of this empire and blessed by Osiris and Amun-Ra to look upon you," he said. "Yesterday after my crowning, our Hem-netjer-tepi decided to go against me and not follow through. Not only did he make that mistake, but he also decided to vandalize the declaration of Amun over the city." he took a pause.

"For his crimes over the newly formed pharaoh I have decided to defend Osiris," he yelled. The crowd broke into low whispers. Osiris was one of the most important deities and made everyone give a stink eye to the priest who tried to curl upon himself just to save himself from those hateful glares.

"He shall be publicly executed and pay for all of his crimes." The mere ease with which Tut, a boy who was nine years old announced to the crowd made a shiver run down his spine.

"He shall have no place in the Netherlands and nor will he be granted a place in heaven for going against the gods." The moment his sentence ended a guard with a swirling green liquid wnt towards the half-conscious man and shoved it down his throat.

"Poison for going against the pharaoh…" Tutankhamun yelled.

The other guard stepped up and tied a very tight rag around his throat making the priest gasp and cough on air which he still couldn't get enough and he turned red in his face as he continued suffocating.

"Asphyxiation for corruption…" he barked to the crowd.

Then the priest was covered in oil and a guy from inside came with a brazier. A blow torch that they had already bow drilled earlier. "He-uh uf-lp" He gasped and cried for someone to save him as he continued choking.

"Immolation to pay for going against the gods!" Tut cried and with that, the high priest was set on fire.

"AHHHHH-" His painful screams rang through the place as people gasped when he was set to burn. The agony in the cries made Isobel flinch and take a step back. She held onto Jayden's hand for the support that he and her both needed.

The scent of burning flesh filled the air as the fire turned even more reddish. The colour of the sky had turned orangish as well to accompany the punishment of the high priest. Soon the screams died down as the body fell flat on the ground. It was still burning but it was already charred black.

"Let it be known that I will right every mistake of Akhenaten and will not tolerate a single insolent behaviour. Your questions must be answered but your faults will be punished." he declared to the place.

Those words were the dismissal and the people didn't need to be told twice. Bowing down to him they quickly scrambled away. Seeing that no riot was broken, Tutankhamun slumped back in his chair. Isobel and Jayden quickly went towards him and helped him stand. His legs were shaking and tremors wracked his body but he did not let people see that as he held himself up and tried to stand tall and proud.

Isobel and Jayden quickly lead him to their room from there. They both themselves were struggling to not just scream and run away she didn't know what was happening with the kid.

Tutankhamun had been so brave. So, so valiant that she couldn't help but be proud of the man he would become in the future. The punishment was extreme but the troubles afterwards would have been more disastrous had he not shown people just who exactly ruled them.

They entered the room and Jayden quickly locked the doors behind him. He glared at the guards to tell them he would chew them alive if they decided to disturb them.

The moment there was the audible snap of the doors being shut Tut threw himself at Isobel and started crying. He kept murmuring under his breath.

'I cannot do it again.'