Alasdair tell me…

"Woah! Hey buddy. Are you exhausted by everything that happened today?" Jayden asked. Tutankhamun nodded against him but did not loosen his grip on him. Jayden smiled and picked him up as Tutankhamun limply laid his head on his shoulder, yawning.

Once they reached the room, Jayden laid him on the bed, "Take a nap and I'll wake you up when it is time for dinner." Tutankhamun didn't argue and rolled himself on the bed and drifted off to the blissful land of dreams.

Jayden just sat there, lost in his thoughts. The number of workers, eh, slaves or what they call an sqrw-anx (bound for life) was a bit concerning. The master wasn't the most kind. Though he followed the rules, sent them according to the skillset and didn't send children for harsh physical labour he still overworked them and exploited them.

Sent-en-antef(1) had sent them twelve. Twelve bAk(2) to fill up a room. He said that it would be done in a day. Even though Isobel had asked him to take it easy he still ordered them to do it in a day. With twelve people the workload won't be too high but the money in his pocket will be. Especially with immediate service. Isobel had ordered a few guards to look after them but the guards had looked at them in disgust so she put in charge the court strategist.

He had looked at her as if she had grown two heads and complained about being given a measly job. She had kept on glaring at him till he finally accepted it. Isobel was frightening when she wanted to be and he knew it first hand. Then she threatened him that if she heard that he somehow was lenient at his job and didn't take care of them like they were his own family then she'd paint her bedroom walls with his blood to give them some colour.

After this, the court strategist was ready to serve them on his knees.

Jayden had almost laughed out looking at him. He barely contained it but his shoulders were still shaking.

After all this, she out of nowhere took off without saying a word.

Jayden looked at Tutankhamun and sighed. By tomorrow evening they'd be leaving. He will surely miss Tutankhamun. It was one of their longest missions and he had grown very attached to the boy.

There was the abrupt noise of the door being opened and in came a barreling Isobel. She had a huge grin on her face that a person got when something good happened. It was the Cheshire cat smile.

This being Isobel she was probably smiling about a person she saw getting run over.

"You'll not believe what I found!"

'A dead body.' Jayden wanted to guess but he didn't utter a word. He knew that if he said so, there would be a very big possibility of it cause the dead body would be his.

"I found this! People were looking at it and trying to figure it out so I confiscated it." She pulled out two bundles wrapped in a rag and waved in front of Jayden's face.

Jayden went crossed eyed from the rag pushed too close in front of his sight and it's excessive motion. He grabbed her wrists and stopped. Then he shook his head to get him working again.

"What is it?" Jayden asked, pointing towards the two bundles.

Isobel's smile got even bigger. She quickly unwrapped them and showed Jayden. He looked at them, there were a lot of thin cylindrical strips laying in there. These thin rod-like things were yellow and translucent and- wait! These are noodles!

"Woah! Where did these come from?"

Isobel laughed heartily. "These were along with the animal imported from Huaxia(3). C'mon, it is probably our last day with him. If everything goes right we would be leaving tomorrow. I wanna cook him something special."

Jayden nodded in affirmation. He could guess that Isobel felt the connection as well. After denying Jayden of helping her she took off to the wabt(4). Probably to kick everyone out so she could cook them awesome noodles.

Jayden went to Tutankhamun. The boy hadn't been asleep for very long but the food would be here soon and he wanted him to freshen up before it came.

True to his words, just ten minutes after Tutankhamun had 'freshened up' Isobel came with a steaming pot and bowls. They didn't have chopsticks or a fork so they ate it with those gigantic wooden spoons which looked more like a spatula. Tut was very excited to eat it and he loved it as well. Isobel's cooking was always amazing but there was something about the ingredients that made it even more delicious. Isobel had refused to disclose her secrets.

"Tutankhamun?" Isobel called softly.

He looked up with his big brown eyes, smiling softly. He was still giddy after eating noodles and loved the fact that he got to eat them. Tutankhamun had obviously agreed with keeping his silence. It was their secret.

"We might have an attitude change tomorrow and act like cold-hearted people. Remember, Tut, there is a reason for it but we will still always love you."

The smile slipped off his face and his eyes glossed over. "Have I done something because of which you don't want me?" he asked softly as if he was going to be punished for raising it. His hands started fidgeting from nervousness.

"No, absolutely not. You are such a good boy, Tut. There are some circumstances because of which it is happening. Remember that we will always love you. Be a strong boy for us, Tut. Beware of Nefertiti because we won't be able to hold her back any longer and don't be afraid to use the dagger." Jayden said. "Even on us."

Tutankhamun dejectedly nodded.


In the morning, there was the same squeezing stretching sensation before she found herself standing on the hovering plate in the tube. They had managed to give Tutankhamun a kiss on his head before running away and she felt as if she was already missing him. But she had seen it again.

Isobel and Jayden both came out of the tube and like the constant occurrence, Alasdair and Ry were standing there waiting for them.

She looked at her blonde companion and he nodded. Finally, she took in a deep breath and opened her mouth.

"Alasdair, tell me…"

"...Do you know who is causing the apocalypse?"

All the colour drained from Alasdair's face.


Sent-en-antef- The master of slaves

bAk - Another name for slaves

Huaxia -The ancient name of china during the Shang Dynasty period.

Wabt- kitchen in ancient Egyptian.