Chapter 53

Onika (Nicki) POV

As I was doing my work quietly making sure I comeplete everything correctly

The intercom came on

"Can Onika Maraj, Adrian Hutton please come the office Onika Maraj, Adrian Hutton please come to the office." The woman says and the intercome switches off

I feel the teachers eyes on me as I continue to look down at my work as I finish it

"What the fuck is going on now?! Ughhh I just wanted to get through one day without some drama." I thought to myself letting out a very weak sigh as I finish up my work I grab my things and my exam and hand it to Mrs. Willis

"Did you answer each and every question?" Mrs. Willis asks and I quickly scan over my work to make sure I completed and answer each question before handing her the paper

"Yes ma'am each and every last one of them has been answered." I said and she nods taking it from me and I make my way out the door and down the hall to the principal's office

"Hey baby girl." Adrian says as we meet up and I sigh angrily and say nothing back to him as I kept my focus on making it to the principal's office without slapping fire into this bitch nigga

"Nicki all this could end if you would just leave them and get back with me." Adrian says and I come to a stop and face him

"This shit would end if yo ass would just leave me the fuck alone!!! You cheated and I cheated back I refuse to be with a nigga who can't respect me or be honest with me!!" I said my voice getting louder

"You act like females are better they cheat too." Adrian said and I roll my eyes

"I never said females were better than niggas, but the females I'm with are loyal to me and only me so don't even come with that bullshit." I said shutting him down

"Nicki c'mon and you know your parents religious they are not going to accept you dating females." Adrian said smirking with his arms cross like he just won this argument

"Me and my partners will cross that bridge when we get there, but whether they accept it or not its not their life its MINE and I refuse to be with a nigga who gone cheat on me just because he can't seem to let go of the player life or grown the fuck up now when one of them bitches burn yo ass don't say shit." I said and the Principal along with Katorah and Belcalis come out the office

"What is all this fuss going on?!" Principal Marlyn asks her stern face looks at us both

"I was peacefully walking here until he started with me." I said pointing at him

"In my office now." Principal Marlyn said and we all followed her back in her office