Chapter 54

Adrian POV

"Can someone please tell me what in tarnation is going on?!" Principal Marlyn asks

"Principal this whole mess started because his ass got caught up and wants to play victim." Nicki says and all four of them look at me

"Young man this school has a zero no drama tolerance whatever mess you're stirring up you need to stop and stop now." Principal Marlyn warns and I look at her in shock

"So you're just gonna side with her without hearing my side?" I ask her getting upset

"You have no side these women came here on the account of Miss. Maraj they showed me photographic proof of you harassing this young lady via instagram now this is your first and only warning do not harass her again or the law will get involved." Principal Marlyn says sitting back in her swivel chair looking at me... Not blinking

"Principal these are the same women she cheated on me with!" I said pointing at all three of them and Nicki rolls her eyes and the dykes shake their heads

"Principal Marlyn this boy cheated on me first with her cousin." Nicki says pointing at the woman with long brown hair and long decorative acrylic nails

"Pardon me before we continue what are your names?" Principal Marlyn ask looking at the women as if she knew them

"Demetria?" The girl asks smiling

"Belcalis?!" Principal Marlyn asks with a smile and I decided to film this

If they think they're taking me to court they have another thing coming

"And I assume this your wife?" Principal Marlyn asks pointing to the dyke with the hat on

"I'm Katorah a pleasure meeting you." She said and she shook hands with Principal Marlyn

"Anyway continue on Miss. Maraj." Principal Marlyn says and Nicki nods and I quickly cut off the recording

"This boy cheated on me first before I cheated and decided it was best to leave him and now he won't leave me alone and wants me to come back like he doesn't have a child on the way." Nicki says and I wince at the malice could be verbally heard in every word she spoke

"I see." Principal Marlyn says and begins typing on the computer and after a few minutes she looks at me

"Mr. Hutton this is your first and only warning, but I will make documentation of this if you value your education and scholarship I suggest avoiding anymore drama with Miss. Maraj do I make myself clear?" Principal Marlyn asks me

"Yes Mrs. Marlyn." I said with a sigh knowing I was lying

"Very well than both of you may go back to your classes." Principal Marlyn says Nicki and I got up quietly and left out her office

"Nicki I hope you know your little dyke ass girlfriends just made it worse for you." I said smiling and she shrugs her shoulders at me not really paying me any attention