Moons Group
Moon- Dark, black furred tom white a white tripe down to his belly.
Mint- Greyish, White furred she cat with brownish paws.
Kettle- Dark Grey tom, with white fur.
Oister- Orangish Brownish shecat with black dots.
Limp- smaller silver furred she cat with black paws.
Youngtail- dark brown old tom former Windclan leader
Storm- she cat with dark black fur to the point where it almost looks purple... Kits- Sneeze, Lion, Breeze, Feather
Piper- light brown tom
Summer- white she cat with a small little bit of orange on her fur.
Sphynx- small, orange/gold furred poodle
Briar - brown tom cat with black stripes across his fur
Shadow- completely all around black furred tom cat