
Chapter 1

Friday, November.

It was 11:00 am, Ally was watching her room all around.

She opened the door and came out of the room. She stood outside her room and started looking at her house from all around thinking that she was going to miss this house a lot.

She took deep breath thinking that she was going to miss this house a lot. Then she took the stairs and she came down the strain in the living room. She stood next to her mom and said, "mom are you Shure that we should shift in the new house".

"Calm down! Ally it's not the end of the world you'll just have to get used to this place you can make new friends here, Ally". Her mom snapped.

Seventeen years-old Ally looked around hating the fact that this place Bostan Hill's. Is going to be her new house.

She sat back in her seat. Next to her elder brother Elliot and crossed her arm's. She missed her home back In Augustine that's where all of her friends were. She was thinking all of that stuff. When her brother put his arms around Ally's neck and hugged her and said, "it's ok you can make New friend's there". When we'll reach our destination. Ally replied in a sad voice," yes I will".

Two months ago her parents talked about moving, although, Ally didn't really think they would. Now she sat in her dad's car listening to the sound of the car wheel rolling over smooth road. Her dad, who was driving, hit a small bump on the road which made Ally, hit her head against the window,

"ouch! Daaaaaad", Ally said rubbing her head.

Her mother looked behind and said "are you fine Ally", Ally replied yes "I'm fine". That's when her elder brother Elliot said, "be careful dad Otherwise our pumpkin will bust out". Ally gave him a agresive look and threw a cushion on his face and said angrily, "shut up".

"Sorry guys, the road is kind of damaged here, so hang on". Luke said.

Ally eyed both her parents, looking at the back of their head from the back seat, She frowned. Her dad Luke Petson, was a successful business man, however his business transfered to Boston Hill's, we had to move here, Ally's mother also owened a business of bakeing. She owned her self back home. She sell's cake, muffins, pudding, breads, cookies and all that stuffs. Her bakery name was Dream pies. Last but not least Ally's brother, Elliot Petson is a young hunk. With muscular body, he was a tall guy with brown messy haircut. He loves baseball and his sister Ally. Ally and his brother have some facial similarities they both have hazel gray eye's and Brown hair.

"We're almost there". Her mother said.

Her dad turned into another street which consists of white houses, each one about 50 feet's away from each other.

Ally's :pov

We finally reached our destination, mom said. Dad parked the car on the side of the road in front of the huge house painted white and door was colored in gray. I liked the neighborhood, I had heard quite a few rumors about this house being haunted but I don't believe in superstition. Well this house was not isolated. It was situated in a beautiful Street and there were not so many building around in the street.

Our luggage had already transported here yesterday. The walls had been painted a week before. The house was huge and magnificent. It was enormous. It had a beautiful backyard. With flowers all around and sort of fruit bearing tress. There was swing in the garden.

I was looking around, it was all so beautiful and peaceful. I was observing everything. When I noticed that into the woods. There was a graveyard. I has never seen a graveyard before in my whole life. It was my first time. Looking at the graveyard, I started thinking that, I should go there and have a look.