
Chapter 2

I looked back to check what my father is doing. I saw that my father and my elder brother, both of them were pulling out the luggage from the car trunk. So I thought, I would go and check the graveyard by then.

I started walking towards Graveyard. which was in the middle of the woods. As i reached there i saw, it had a Huge iron gate which was rusted and jamed. so I had to put my all power to open it. I pushed it with my all power. The gate creaks as i opened it, that groaning sound was too bad, that it hurts my ears.

when I entered the graveyard, the sound of dried leaves crushing under my feets ecoed. As I started walking inside the sound gets lauder.

there was a small isloated hut in one corner of the graveyard with a holy cross sign on it, the hut looks so old and broken. A broken piece of dry tree trunk fell on it. As i looked straight, in the middle of the graveyard there was an angel's status, Statue's face direction was straight towards the gate, it seems like it eye's are waiting for someone to enter. I walked towards the statue it had so many cracks on it. it seems like nobody has came here from ages. The graveyard was not huge, there was around 20 to 25 graves.

After a while looking here and there, I was just leaving. when suddenly, I caught sight of two graves which were buried very close to each other. I looked at them both carefully.

I went towards both of the graves and sat on my knees. sitting on my knees, i removed those dried leaves from the top of those two graves. with the help of my hands.

I looked up at the Tombstone of those graves carefully, i could not read the name written on them. because they had become very old and dust had accumulated on those Tombstones.

I picked up a piece of wood and with all my strength, I tried to remove that mud from the tombstone so that I could read the names. after removing all the mud from the Tombstone, Now i can clearly see the names on the graves. Both the graves were of 15 year old girls.

        "Olivia and Sophia Watson"

              Dec 1884 - Mar 1899

        "15 years -Beloved Twins"

It was all mentioned on the graves. No other details was mentioned, it was so quizzical that our house belong to some Watson family. I was thinking all of this when suddenly I felt like somebody ran behind me. I turned in horror, thank God that was just a squirrel. that place was so creepy.

I got up from there, I bow down to clean my pants from the kness and started walking towarda the gate to leave, because it was to late and mom must be worried about me. It was past 5:00 in the evening.

I was walking casually towards the gate to leave. when some body called me... wispered my name. I freezed there, my body was shaking due to fear. I hear a sound of dried leaves crushing, as if someone was walking towards me and stopped behind me, I could fell the heavy breath on my neck.

I gathered all my strength and turned back slowly to see, who was there as I opened my eye's nobody was there.

I was shocked to see that nobody was there, but I was sure that i heard my name and senced those breath.

I took a deep breath and then I rushed towards the gate. As I came out from the graveyard. I act normal, and started walking towards my House.