
Chapter 13

It was around 6 pm in evening when mom came. She looks so tired, she removed her coat and swep out snow from it and hang it on the hook beside the door. she sat on the sofa and took deep breath.

"You look so tired mom, do you want something", I asked.

"I'm fine Ally, I'm just stressed out., please bring me water" she said. I walked to the kitchen and pour some water for her. When my phone rang, I gave the glass and pulled my cell phone from my pocket, it was Elliot,

I picked up the call. "Hey, Ally is mom home, I'm trying her phone but she isn't responding", he asked?.

"She just came, she look so tired", I said.

He replied," listen, tell her not to make dinner, I'm coming home back, I'll parcel dinner with me, and I have a surprise for you also".

"What surprise really, what's it?" ,I asked excitedly.

"It's a surprise dumbo, byeeeee see you soon", he said and disconnected the call.

I turned behind and tell her "mom you don't have to cook Elliott will bring dinner, you go to your room and take some rest" she felt relief that she doesn't have to cook dinner. Then she went to her room to get fresh. I was sitting alone on the couch and excited for my surprise. 


At 8pm there was a knock at the door. I ran towards the door excitedly. As soon as I opened the door, Elliot was standing there. He had a food bag in one hand and a basket in the other hand which was covered with cloth. I asked him excitedly "where my surprise is", so he gave the basket in my hand and said "in it".

I took the basket from his hand and he came inside the house. As soon as I removed the cloth from the basket it had a cute puppy inside it. I shouted out loud happily. I ran and hugged Elliot and said "thank-you so much, for this cute puppy, he is so cute".

he replied, " its a pre birthday gift from me, and have you thought a name for him".

I replied," hmm not yet, let's ask mom". 

"Mom, come down. Elliot is home", I screamed from the living room hugging my dog.

10 mins passed, but mom didn't showed up. "I think she slept, she was so tired, when She came", I said to elliot.

"OK don't disturb her, let her sleep. You can ask her for the name tomorrow", Elliot said while having dinner.

"I have thought a name for this new Brown guy, I'll call him Muffin, after all I love muffins" I said and winked at my dog. "That's a cute name", Elliot replied.

We had our dinner, washed our dishes. Then we both head towards our rooms. I entered my room as soon as I kept muffin on bed he shoved into the blanket. I laughed and said, "your so cute Mr. Muffin".  Then I took shower and jumped on my bed. Muffin is already sleeping. After some minutes I caught sleep.


At midnight, I woke up with a start by muffin barks. He was looking out of the window with his front legs rested on the window still. 

"Muffin what happened?," I asked in my sleep. I got out from my bed,  hurried to the window and pepped out.

Moonlight  made the snow look Silvery, chipmunk scampered behind the big maple tree.

"There's nothing outside ," I said folding his ears. Suddenly a street lamp flickered to life. In it's faint light,  I saw a dark figure staring at me with a grin on his face. I quickly  drew the curtains of the window,  my heart did flip flop.

Who was it?.

What he wants?

Why he's staring? so many questions raised in my mind.

I gathered  my courage, drew the curtains a side. There was no one outside. I felt relife, I was about to go back to bed when I heard voice of glass cracking. I turned behind nothing was there, I ran to the window and focused on the street. there was skinny figure standing at our main gate and starring at my house. I couldn't see his face but I can sence he's looking here. He suddenly started walking towards our house, our gate opens automatically.

I was watching everything from the corner of my window. As he was moveing forward, one by one bulb started going off they started flickering, my heart droped to my stomach I couldn't move because I was scared. Gradually, he stood in front of our door and then he started knocking "knock knock knock", 3 knocks at a time first he knocked slowly, then he started banging at door, as he was knocking I felt like he's banging my chest,. I got up and ran out from my room to wake up Eliote. I panicked and knocked his door loudly, he came out with sleepy eyes.

I screamed and sobbingly told him everything about that man and how bulbs got off, I told him that man is knocking at our door. he calmed me down and asked me to stay behind him he grabbed his baseball bat and torch and slowly get down from the stairs.

there was no knock at this moment. slowly he walked towards the main door, I was walking behind him, then he first checked the lock, our door was properly locked. then he open the door and then what I saw was disturbing, there was no man, no broken bulps nothing. everything was normal. he said look "no body is there" he asked me to come out and see. when I went out everything was fine all bulps where normal and live. I was shivering, he held my hand and pulled me inside and locked the door. I had nothing to say, I just let out a cry.

"What happened why are you crying", he asked me.

"I don't know, since we have entered this house. I haven't slept properly. I get creepy nightmare and there's something in our house", I snapped all together panicky.

" what do you mean by something", he asked.

"I don't know it's some spirits, maybe. I'm not laying I have seen everything with my eye's. trust me ", I said.

he immediately hugged me and said, " I trust you, but why don't these things hurts us".

"I don't know, I have no idea", I said.

then he said let's go your room, we'll discuss this Tomorrow. you need to rest. look at you, you look so tired", he said. he walked me to my room and he asked me not to lock my room. He walked to his bedroom I heard his door shut and then I got on my bed. assuming why don't these things confront my family, why only me. thinking all this. all of sudden I caught sleep.