
Chapter 12

I End up in the huge library, which was filled with more than 500 books and tall towering shelf of books Which stood behind each other, covered with thick layer or dust and spider webs all around.

I was surprised to see this huge place, it has the glass roof which was letting some sunlight enter. I love reading and this was heaven for me, I was looking closely to the every book, When I got caught sight of a book which was placed on the top of the self. that book looked heavy

I pulled that wheel staircase from the corner. which was completely covered with dust. I got on the stairs and took out that book.

I was huge and heavy book, covered with leather, I look closely and removed dust from it. it was seventh century Bible, That book was so much heavy, it wobbled while picking it up.

when I kept the book on the tabel, all the dust accumulated on the table covered air, And a strange sound of "ting ting ting" came from it,

I picked up that book again and placed it on the table once again, then that voice came from it again.

I opened that book, anxiously and There were molds in the middle of the book, which contained a key and a bottle containing a little water.

I took that key in my hand, it look like a old key with those magnificent design and I was shure this mansion has a secret room that's why here is a hidden key and also this key's big in size, I turned around to see if there's any door I walked till the last shelf, when somebody rang the door bell, I slipped the key into my pocket and replaced the book on the shelf and marched out, closing the library door behind.

I ran towards the main door, peeded outside from the peep hole. there was a guy he looks familiar I could see his back. As I opened the door, he turned toward me and there he was Those blue eye's and layered Cooffee brows hair's again.

"Hey! Adam. It's a wonderful surprise you came to my home, is Evelyn here, with you", I asked excitedly.

"Hey! Ally, no Evelyn didn't came, she had some work, so I came to see you, I hope I didn't disturb you", He said nervously.

"Hahaha!, no it's alright come Inside", I said smiling at him. 

"Yeah! Sure, it's too cold outside, isn't it?", He said and walked inside.

He removed his jacket and sweep the snow from it and hang it on the hook behind the door. He removed his boots and kept them on one side. I was gazeing at him, he looked so cute in black turtle neck tees and Dark blue jeans.

Then we walked into the living room. We sat on the sofa. He kept his books on the tea table. Our eyes met and we smiled at each other

Akward silence....

I break the silence,"Ok I'll bring hot chocolate for you", I said and walked towards the kitchen. I returned with two cups of hot chocolate. I gave him one cup and another one for me. I sat beside him facing him.

He asked, "how are you feeling now ?".

"I'm good, But how did you get to know that I'm sick ?", I asked.

"Actually, I over heard our class teacher when I get into staff room for stamps, she was on call with your Mom may be", Adam said.

"Ohhhh!, Thank you so much Adam, you came so far, for me, I really appreciate that" I replied.

"By The Way, How did you know where's my house?", I asked.

"Well who doesn't know the Haunted house", he said laughing.

"C'mon, Adam", I said

"In fact your house is so beautiful,

I was expecting it to be spooky and dark, but it's bright and beautiful, you guy's have arranged it so beautifully, it doesn't look like haunted at all", he said looking around.

"Yeah, thank you so much. It's all because of Mom", I replied.

We took a sip of hot chocolate then he told me everything that happened today in the school. we both got lost in our conversation. When Adam looked at the watch it's 4pm.

"I should leave now. I have toutions to attend", he said. He kept the cup on the table and said thanks to me. We walked towards the door Then he took his jacket and wore it, he hugged me and said "bye, take care", Then he left.

After 5 or 6 steps he turned around and waved at me. He was looking so cute I couldn't take my eyes of him. I watched him walking down Street. then he vanished. I came inside and locked the door.