chapter 4-Panic

Edith's pov

I didn't think this far, now I have to talk to her! "My name is Alexis what's yours?" She said with a soft smile, shoot now I have to respond or else she'll think I'm rude. Thankfully Alex responded for me "this is Edith my older sister," oh Edith don't you have to grab your stuff for the next class?" Oh Alex you don't know how much I love you! " yeah I do" between my awkward laughs I grabbed my lunch and walked out to go to my locker. After a minute or so I realized Alexis followed me and I slowed down so she could catch up.


I wonder if she remembers the night at the party? It was really fun! Edith seemed to slow a bit in front of me so I could catch up to her, how sweet of her. I decided to ask her straight up if she remembers the party "hey Edith? Do you remember the party...." she looked my way and blushed a bit "I don't remember much, I drank a lot. I frowned I should've known better, of course, she wouldn't remember "All I really remember is waking up to you sleeping next to me" she laughed a bit "your shampoo smells like flowers," I smiled. She looked at me and asked quietly if we could talk somewhere private and then we headed to a secluded spot in the library.

"I don't remember much," she said "oh okay," I said. We sat there in a peaceful silence till I worked up the courage and asked "Why do you want to know? She couldn't seem to think of a reply till after about a minute she admitted "I just wanted to be clued in on what happed the last night" I laughed softly "okay umm" she went silent and before I could explain the bell rang signalling it was time for class. "nice talking with you" was all she said before she left to her class, blushing from ear to ear I walked to my next class in a slight daze thinking about the night.

Edith's pov

I met the girl. The one from the party! I was so excited and in my thoughts that I passed my classroom, walking back and into my class I went to my chair. The boy next to me asked if was okay and then I realized i was shaking. "Oh um I'm fine!" I laughed it off but I could still see the eyes linger on me, thankfully the teacher came a minute or so later and started class. The teacher was talking about physics, I'm not very interested in the topic so I tuned out like usual however this time I fell asleep. The girl appeared in front of me and this time we were at the mall, she was wearing casual going out clothes. She was so pretty! We walked around till it got hazy and I woke up, the boy from earlier was tapping me and telling me the class was over. I stretched my arms out happy I was in the back and the teacher couldn't see me sleeping trough his class.

When Alex and I got home the first thing we did was run to the kitchen to eat donuts but to our surprise, the donuts were now on a plate with a teapot made, it took a moment but Alex and I both knew who was visiting.