chapter 5- Visitor

The donuts were on a plate and there was a teapot that was made fresh so Alex and I both knew who was visiting. After exchanging glances we both ran off looking to see if we could find her, I ran off caller her and even looked outside to which I found her. I engulfed her in a big hug "Gramma! I missed you" and we hugged for a minute till Alex noticed us outside. "Gramma hi! How are you?" He said while excitedly hugging her, I sometimes forget he's sixteen when he does this. we sat and chatted, drank tea and ate the donuts while of coarse saving some for my parents. They came home about an hour later quite surprised and happy to see my grandmother and we all chatted away till my gramma asked the dreaded question on whether we had significant others. I hate that question because whenever I get it I get an "aw" or the "there are plenty fish in the sea" comments, but this time there was an even bigger question what are the girl and I to each other? We are not dating and I don't know if she's even single but there's a slight possibility there. "Edith is there someone special in your life?" She meant this so innocently but I didn't know what to say so I gave an answer that was neither ."It's a bit complicated" after a few nervous laughs I could see Alex look at me with so much curiosity, he moved closer and whispered quietly in my ear "you better tell me this later". He moved away and my gramma asked what I meant by complicated. I honestly don't want to talk about this so I put the spotlight on my brother instead, "you Alex do you have a significant other?". My grandmother was now interested in Alex rather than myself so I excused myself and headed towards the patio door to go inside and hide in the restroom for a minute. The cool tiles feel really nice and it was nice to sit in a quiet room. I calmed down a bit I didn't realize i was holding my breath when I was outside, it feels so calm in here. After about two minutes I knew I'd have to go back out so I got up and flushed then washed my hands to make it believable that I used the restroom. Walking out I grabbed the teapot and poured myself another cup and returned to my seat outside, my grandmother was talking about her recent trip to Vancouver. I was listening to her story when I heard my phone ring, I looked at the number and noticed it was unknown however it was our area so I decided to answer the call. Excusing myself I walked into the kitchen, "hello this is Edith speaking" after about a minute I heard a familiar voice. "Hi I was wondering if you were busy so we could talk know," their voice was so different over the phone. " my grandmother is visiting but maybe tomorrow?" She replied a minute later "Oh okay well then maybe tomorrow, could we maybe meet at that cafe downtown?" I thought for a minute, we'll that cafe is only a few blocks from the school so it wasn't too bad of a walk maybe I could get lucky and my parents take one car? "Sure bye for now Alexis, We'll talk more about it after school tomorrow ".

After a few hours of talking with our grandmother, Alex and I were sent to bed since it's a school night. "So Edith want to talk about who it's complicated with~" Alex was teasing me again, "you know what Alex sure," I said this with a big smile, I was so happy I could finally talk about this with him. " Do you remember when I went to that party?" He nodded and listened carefully so he wouldn't miss the details "well I got a bit drunk and I may have slept with...Alexis," after a look of just shock I got a feeling of just panic and with many odd waving movements " but I may not have you know done it with her! I just woke up to her you know?" I was so nervous telling him this because I usually don't get into situations like this. He looked at me really shocked "A-Alexis? That is definitely not what I expected," He looked somewhat conflicted "she has a boyfriend..." now it was my turn to look shocked. She has a boyfriend? But she seemed to really like me, wait do I like her? This is so confusing!

"Edith? You okay?" I snapped back into reality "Oh yeah I'm fine" even though I didn't want to show it you could easily tell I was disappointed. My mom popped her head in and told us that we were supposed to be in bed, she told me to go to my room which I easily obliged to doing.

My bed was cool and it felt great. I grabbed my phone and set an alarm for 7:00 the next day. I grabbed my blanket and laid down and put on a video of someone painting, after about twenty minutes the hands of sleep grabbed me and I was gone.