Finally the train arrived at Junkertown and Jack could a lot of scrap people wandering around the town. Jack got off the train and began to walk around town and see the sights. There are some gamblers cheating at hide the stuff, scrappers selling robot supplies, food stalls, some thugs having a fight with each other, posters of various wanted people around the towns square. As Jack was wandering around to see if he could find an inn, he came across a poster for a fighting arena that was offering a workshop and a large amount of scrap for the winner.
Jack-'If I win this I can get a nice work shop where I can make some new weapons and when I can change my class to engineer I can begin my secret project for engineer.'
Jack smirked to himself as he headed towards a bar that doubled as an inn. He saw a bunch of Junkers drinking and eating food.
As he walked inside the bar briefly quieted down as the Junkers noticed the newcomer that seems to armed with a military shovel, some sort of pistol, and a backpack on his back. Someone in the back of the bar coughed and the bar went back to the noise but with a little bit of wariness to the armed newcomer.
Bartender-"So what it'll be stranger, care for a drink in this fine ass establishment, or would care for some grum."
Jack-"Hey there, I am new to Junkertown and I was wondering what the rules are around here.
Bartender-"Well stranger the rules are quite simple No omnics, pay your share, finders keepers, settle your own scores, troublemakers will be exiled. That is about it and if you need some reminders check the front gate for the rules."
Jack-" Thank you for rules. Hey whats the deal for the fighting arena for the workshop.
Bartender-"Well the fighting arena is close to garage and the workshops and one of the workshops just got a vacancy from that Wrecking ball champion. Apparently he left a while ago and the workshop has been vacant ever since."
Jack-"Wow that is cool, so where can I go to get some rest so I can join the fighting arena for the prize."
Bartender-"Hoh, feeling cocky aren't you, well there is a room upstairs for $50 a night, but I want you out of here by then."
Jack-"Alright here is the money I guess I will head on up."
As Jack headed upstairs, he almost collided with a massive Junker holding a big mug of beer. Jack quickly sidestepped out of the way and walked up the stairs to the room.
The big Junker watched as the armed man that sidestepped him make his upstairs as he sighed when he could start a bar brawl over the drink.
"Hey Big Jim missed out on getting the newcomer eh."
Big Jim just grunted and walked to his seat as the other Junkers grumbled about the lack of a bar brawl to make the night more fun.
As Jack put his stuff down, he looked over his weapons to decide on what he should use for the fight.
His current loadout for weapons is the Original, the Capper pistol, the Market Gardner, two grenades, the Gunboats, a Medi-bot, a Grim Tweeter, and some miscellaneous crates of stuff.
As he looked at the collection of stuff, he pondered on what to do but was tired from the attack on the train and the arrival to Junkertown so he flopped onto the bed and went to sleep.