Monopoly and end of Probation

Andre De Valois cleared his throat a little awkwardly. "Zane, tomorrow is your birthday."

Zane nodded. One could only guess his excitement. The D-Day has finally arrived.

Andre looked at him in concern, "Have you decided on the class you want? With your ability, I doubt any specialized mage pathway would be a problem for you."

Zane looked like he wanted to say before he lowered his head and said quietly, "Yes, Father."

How could his reluctance escape Andre's eyes? 

"You do not want to choose a mage class? Juno gave you a list of mage classes to choose from. Not one caught your eyes." His father said that his son's blood potency is too low to qualify for any bloodline class.

Zane looked like he picked up his courage and sighed forlornly, "No, Father, I…. I want to choose a sniper class."

His father was shocked, even Xavier put down his cup of tea to look at him, his countenance unusually serious.

He knew that Zane was always practising in Bullet. Juno had submitted a report of how the boy spent his days. The majority of his time each day was spent grinding in the gunners' game. However, he had no idea that Zane loved it so much to take it as his life career.

"Zane, do you know how important your main class is? Once you choose it, you can never change it."

Zane nodded. He knew this of course. "Yes, Father but I hold no affection for the mage class, and...and I am not so brave, I don't want to stand in the forefront of the fight." He rubbed his thumb on his knuckles.

Andre looked at the nervous boy in front of him and the action had returned him to his youth.

Exactly twenty-two years ago, he had stood in front of his father after summoning all his courage. He had confessed his desire to choose an assassin class. It had been his dream since he was young.

His father had looked him over with that constant disappointed look in his eyes before saying that none of his children would ever choose such a disgraceful class. His choice over something so personal had been wrestled from his grasp. Hadn't he gotten strong to protect himself and those he loved?

Andre nodded, "As long as it is what you wish, you can go for it."

Zane had been prepared to answer a series of questions. He didn't expect that his father would agree so easily. He couldn't help but freeze in surprise.

Andre looked at his shocked son, sighed, and revealed some doting love in his eyes, "It doesn't matter. The Valios family does not lack fighters. You can do whatever you want. I will support you. "

Zane was beyond speechless at the comment. He looked at Xavier, the fact that his younger brother had not grown up to be a hedonistic person was a miracle. He was glad nevertheless, at the response, and he made sure his happiness showed as he smiled at his father.

"Thanks, Father. You are the best." He was sorry for lying, in return, he will be very filial to his father.

You are the best! You are the best! This sentence keeps on rolling in Andre's head. Is this the joy of having a cute child? "What else do you want? Father will get it for you!"

The entire surrounding was completely silent. Even Xavier turned to look at him with a strange look in his eyes.

Andre felt a little embarrassed but he was the family head of the Valois family, he had been in all kinds of situations. He coughed silently, "What I mean is that tomorrow is your birthday. What kind of birthday present do you want?

This was the third time Zane was meeting his father yet he felt his worldview was overturned each time. He replied with a bright smile, " Father should surprise me." 

Andre nodded, he needed to pick a one-of-a-kind gift, better than what his father gave Zane.

For thirty minutes, everywhere felt back to a comfortable silence. Xavier would hardly start a conversation by himself and his father was looking through some documents.

Zane looked at them and smiled. He has been here for just 3 weeks yet he had no doubt he would miss them terribly.

After an hour he asked quietly," Father, are you busy? Am I disturbing you?"

Andre put down the documents, "No, Not at all. These documents are not about anything important."

Juno shook his head. Those documents were about the Martan Field, the level 8 yellow dungeon that the Carell family found and hid. It was extremely important. He felt that since his master found his son, his threshold has been getting lower.

"Do you want to play a game with me? It is called monopoly. Three people can play it and it is extremely fun." He instinctively counted Xavier in, his younger brother hardly said no to any of his requests.

Xavier looked up. What was his brother getting excited about again? He was familiar with Go and chess. He had not heard of this monopoly before. A slight interest flickered in his gaze.

"Monopoly, how is this game played?" Andre asked.

His ever-attentive butler appeared beside them with a monopoly board, two maids were behind him with a tray of snacks and juice. 

Zane looked at this ceremony for just a game...Rich people made people's teeth hurt.

"The purpose of the game is to be the wealthiest person through buying, selling or renting property. First, we will choose a banker, it can be one of us or someone else."

Xavier, Andre and Zane looked at each other, the same alert in their eyes.

Zane smiled at the competition in their eyes, they are really family. A sense of warmth filled his heart, "I will accept the position then, on behalf of everyone." He said with a smile.

Zane explained the game rules and rolled the dice….


The bathroom in his room was extremely convenient. There was a jacuzzi and a shower head with a steam-powered water heater that allowed Zane to enjoy a hot bath at any time.

Hot water hit his body, dissipating his fatigue. Zane couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking back at the game, he chuckled. In the first game, both his father and brother had fluttered but the last game had changed things around.

Xavier had easily come out the winner with his father on his heels. Such a person, if you are his enemy, Do you have any hope for survival?

They had played the game three times. He had won the first time due to their inexperience, his father won the second time because he played some tricks. The third time, Xavier had carried the cup, like a snake that strikes when it was least expected. They had not seen his victory coming.

He was glad he did not have to fight or struggle against his brother. 

Come to think of it, that diary changed his destiny more than he ever imagined.

When he had gotten the memory of his past self through the diary, it was like he grew up overnight. The tiredness he felt was engraved in his mind. There was no purpose or reason for anything anymore.

The diary had asked him to buy a book at an auction. The book was a knowledge system. It was a book that a certain family that was not mentioned in the diary used to catapult itself to greater heights.

Raizel had bought the book due to his interest in the knowledge it held. It was an essay book on Biometrics with a comment section at the back.

Zane had read the book cover to cover before he attempted to write his thoughts in the comment section.

His answer met the required cut mark and the knowledge system activated and began to calculate his total knowledge points.

He could remember it as clearly as day. A mysterious message floated in front of him. The total number of points he had were 103,400 points. 

The message had changed to a voice in his head that announced that the criteria had been met and the system was upgraded to the Gnosis System, his level was Probation and the period of probation was two years.

Eh! It was around this time last two years when his destiny changed. When he had binded his soul to the Gnosis System without hesitation.

[Ding! Probation period, Over."]

[Probation Results: Satisfactory]

[Upgrading the System...20%...40%...60%...80%...100%]

[System Upgraded. Level 1 Gnosis System]

[Welcome to the Gnosis System. Registering new member, Zane Black Valois.]