Getting a private browser

The Department of Research always filled Zane with a happy feeling whenever he visited. It was the same kind of feeling that bookworms had when they visited the library or when warriors visited a weapon store. A sweet feeling of joy.

The number of knowledge points that Zane harvested from this place and would in the future harvest from this place made him dizzy with joy. He walked to the reception that was being manned by two different students today, a young man and a woman. Amherst College had a problem that allowed students to do school tasks in exchange for points or money. The both of them saw her and they watched him transfixed.

"I am looking for a student who takes care of new student, his name is Emeka, and he is in his third year, subclass; software engineer." Zane's words were curt, not offering a chance for any kind of causal discussion. "Where may I find him?"