More than a kiss

The faint noise from the screen filled the dorm, Zane was so nervous that he could not help taking a sip from Phoenix's tiger nut milk, he closed his eyes. Too sweet, just how many spoons of date sugar did he add. But he had no time to think about it as his gaze soon went back to Phoenix who was scrolling through the holographic screen in front of him.

His eyes were shadowed by his lashes as he bent down, reading slowly but seriously. He looked really handsome. Sometimes, he would raise an eyebrow and at times, he would smile. After a few minutes, he stopped reading and looked up at Zane.

Zane felt like a student in the principal's office and he folded his hands on his laps, "What do you think?"Phoenix nodded his head, "It is carefully designed, insightful and impressive and I am not saying it because I am your boyfriend but Zane, you are so amazing."