A little cream

Zane strode to Phoenix's door and knocked. A moment later, the door swung open. Phoenix stood in the frame, looking so gorgeous that Zane flat out stared. 

Phoenix's whitish blond locks looked like he had not styled them at all, it was a messy curl and gave more volume to his hair, that hair style would take nothing short of thirty minutes to achieve. 

He had chosen a blue merino wool polo shirt and charcoal-gray slim fit slacks that accentuated his fine figure. Seeing Zane stare at him, he did a spin, "You like it?"

"You look amazing."

Phoenix smiled, "You too. Never seen with this look before, you look like the dangerous type that Parents always tell their children to avoid, that kind that goes seeking for the danger in horror motives to prove a point. You know in the movie I was watching yesterday, there was someone like that, he.."