Zero, An Alchemy Heaven

Zero Pharmaceutical Company was one of the biggest places to buy ingredients around the country. It had several branches just in the Capital alone as it steadily funded money to the account of the Sangrove family.

The Valois family had a pharmaceutical company as well but it could not be compared to Zero in any form or way. In many places, you did not need to enter the store, you could use your Atlas to access the limitless net of the store, your mind would be flooded with pictures and information of everything that you wanted and if you had any confusion, there would be a virtual assistant at every corner but Zero went the other way, sticking to the model of ancient malls, thousands of years ago.

It was a large physical store with carts and long corridors spiraling around aisles large enough for families to shop together, a novel idea in these times that catapulted them to fame.