Three-Fold Death


"So, what does the Sect want with Xiao Yin?" I asked to the snake and fox spirits who were sitting in front of us.

We successfully returned to the inn after I passed out. The rest of my companions let me and the spirits take a rest. The next day, we decided to ask the two of the situation. Of course, this was after coaxing the two of them that we, the humans, would not hurt them. Xiao Yin had a serious problem being with humans, much less trust them. Xiao Hong said because her mother, who was also a white snake, was captured by an emperor from the previous dynasty as an ingredient for an elixir of immortality. 

Yeah. The story seemed familiar.

"They… uhm… a white snake is a very special variant for a spell." answered Xiao Yin who kept shying away from us. Well, they did mention that they never really had any human interaction.

"What kind of spell?" asked Hauria this time.