Chapter 6

Y/n: What is this?

Sage: It's a white void full of nothing.

Neros: But where are we?

Ceric: In the hyperbolic time chamber.

Sage: What does that mean?

Ceric: Its a room outside your normal space and time?

Neros: Mystical room.

Ceric: Sort of, but no. I heard how you boys are entering the tournament and you want to show everyone how strong the lower-class can be.

Neros: Pretty much.

Ceric: So... this is pretty much it.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Ceric: I'm going to help you, I'm going to train you.

Y/n: Ok, but why here? Why in this white void? Is it because you don't want us to destroy anything.

Ceric: Well not quite. The thing is... you boys see that hourglass.

Sage/Y/n/Neros: Yes.

Ceric: That's how much time we have to train here. A year here... is a day out there.

Sage: What no way!

Ceric: Yep.

Neros: Incredible!

Y/n: Amazing.

Neros: Wait. What about food, and staying clean.

Ceric: Behind on your left, and right.

You all look behind you to see a shower on the left, and a refrigerator to the right. There was also another room, you assumed that's where the beds were located. You took the time to explore before your father started to talk again.

Ceric: And don't worry about the food supply, it refills itself.

Neros: Cool.

Y/n: So when do we start training?

Ceric: Whenever you're ready.

You and your brothers nodded to each other as if saying, "we're ready". Moments later you all put on your training gi's and did some warm-ups.

Y/n: Let's start.

Ceric: First off, spare against each other.

You and your brothers got into your fighting stances, and ready, set, go. You dashed at each other and fought at your maximum.

A minute later.

Ceric: Alright there done, stop.

You were all surprised at how quickly your father was at evaluating the three of you. You were quite shocked. He hadn't seen much but already knew in what section of combat you were lacking in.

Sage: Already.

Ceric: Yes.

Neros: So you already know what's holding us back.

Ceric: Yep.

Y/n: So what do we need to improve on.

Ceric: You, you need to act before you think, you waste time thinking on what's your next move; especially with all those skills and techniques you have laying on the back of your head. But that's not it, sometimes you hesitate to even attack.

Plus, you're late on some of your reactions, both when attacking or when it's time to defend. Thus, when trying to attack late, you lose power when you even attempt to hit your opponent away.

You also hold back for too long, in which your opponent may turn the tables on you.

From that explanation, you started to question yourself. All that was true. You're a skillful fighter, but you wait too long to react.

Sage: What about me?

Ceric: Your reactions also fail you but not as much, and sometimes you go all out too early. Also, you risk getting hit when you don't look out for the opponent's next move, so they have a chance to counter. This is also a problem you have too, Neros.

Neros: Huh?

Ceric: If the battle doesn't look too good you decide to go on full attack, no defense... and just like Y/n you may hesitate. You forget about your fighting skill and start to look at the power gap.

If you're stronger, you may get cocky; not by a lot but one day I worry it'll get to you. Or if weaker, and it doesn't look like you might beat your opponent, you'll slowly start to lose confidence.

The three of you look at each other, and your father's comments start to take a toll on you. At the same time, it makes you want to train harder than ever before.

Ceric: Now, since that's done, time for me to make you better fighters. I have three-hundred-sixty-five days to do so and we can't waste even one.

364 days later. (In the HTC)

Your father had trained you at your absolute limit and beyond. He had strengthened what was weak in you, he had made sure nothing would be able to hold you back, and he taught you how to truly control your ki.

From this, you had acquired what would be said "zenkai boosts", from the amount of pain that you underwent going to the edge and beyond, and continued to go through.

But your father said to not always rely on that, it's better to believe you'll best your opponents in combat by yourself. No cheats. After all that time, you noticed how far you'd gotten with your father's training, but on the last day, he told you there was still one thing he had to teach you.

Ceric: Gather up!

You got up from bed ready for the final lesson, meeting up with your brothers.

Sage: What's the final lesson father

Ceric: Allow me to demonstrate something.

Your father proceeded to power up at extraordinary levels, you couldn't believe how strong he was. At the time you thought he must be the strongest saiyan out there. Anyway, he continued to power up until there was a sudden burst of light.

He was a Super Saiyan. It was not possible for a non-elite to achieve this. But at the same time, the sight of it shouldn't be surprising since it's been seen before, and it's rumored that all the elites had this ability.

It apparently wasn't that rare, but you still thought that even if they did have the transformation; they wouldn't have been as strong as your father, a presumed low-class at birth.

Ceric: Now, time to teach you how to become a super saiyan.

Neros: I thought it was only exclusive to elites.

Ceric: It's a stupid lie to discourage the lower-class. Now power up.

Your father goes back to normal.

Ceric: At your fullest.

The three of you power up at your fullest.

Ceric: Keep going.

Sage/Y/n/Neros: What? We can't. This is our limit.

Ceric: No it's not, keep going! Dig deeper! Keep going!

You tried, and tried, and tried, but you kept on finding yourself in front of a barrier that wouldn't let you go anywhere further.

Ceric: Pass that barrier! Come on! Believe!

You felt like fainting, all of you did, and you slowly lost consciousness.

It looked like you were going to fall along with your brothers, it felt like you were going to feel the cold surface of the ground. You were gonna collapse!


And with that, you let out a loud war cry that shook the void. Followed by your brothers, you could feel the void shaking and yourself breaking. You finally put yourself back together and went for a final yell combined with your brothers.


With that, no one saw anything but a big explosion.

Moments later.

You could see nothing but dust, and your father was standing proud, as he was able to see nothing but three golden auras in front of him.

Ceric: Incredible! They did it!

Everything cleared, and you looked down and up. You were a super saiyan!

Sage/Y/n/Neros: Amazing!

Training had been completed, and you left the room.

Kami: Back and way stronger it seems.

Ceric: Of course, I was teaching them.

Mr.Popo laughed at your father's comment.

Ceric: Hey, how long until we can go back in there?

Kami: Another twenty-four hours. Why? Do you wish to train yourself?

Ceric: No. Now that they've gotten a new form, I want to train 'em again so they can master it.

Kami: Very well, but you'll have to wait.

Ceric: Ok, come on boys let's set up camp.

You follow your father back down towards land.

Sage: Father I have a question?

Ceric: What is it?

Sage: Are we gonna stay in the HTC for another year.

Ceric: No, just until you master the capabilities of a super saiyan.

After that brief conversation, you set up camp somewhere in an unknown forest, and get some rest.

Next morning.

You wake up and pass time controlling your ki until it's time to head on back to the lookout.

7 hours later.

Ceric: Time to go back in.

Y/n: Showtime. Let's do this.