Chapter 7

You fly back up towards the lookout and enter the HTC for the second time. More determined than ever. This time controlling your ki, and mastering the power of a super saiyan.

75 days later. (HTC)

After all this time you feel stronger, definitely older, but more controlled over your power. You feel new, upgraded, 2.0. Anyway, you say your goodbyes to Kami and Mr.Popo; you didn't know them, but you felt sad having to leave them.

You were one of the only few visitors they barely had. But you had to, you had a life of your own, and a tournament to win. Within minutes you got back to camp and ate one last meal before you had to get back to the pods to head back home on Planet Vegeta.

2 day's later.





It seems that everyone miscalculated the landing, but it was fine. You crashed into the mountain range where you would usually train. You flew back home with everyone else, and your mother was there greeting everyone a welcome back.

Mother: My my. You boys are way stronger than before and older. I'm happy for ya, but sad, you didn't get a birthday.

Sage: How did ya know we got older by a year or so.

Mother: Well I know that when your father goes to Earth, it's to go into the HTC.

Ceric: Very well, but Kayle. I gave them something better than a birthday party.

She tilts her head.

Ceric: They're super saiyans now.

Mother: What? Really?

Ceric: Yep, all three of them.

Mother: Wow, so they're crazy strong now.

Ceric: Of course, I was training them.

Your parents start to get romantic but before that happens Neros asked a question.

Neros: Father, what do we do for the next three weeks.

Ceric: Rest and train a little the last week. Your bodies must still be worn out by now, so don't strain yourself.

For the following two weeks, you take a long-needed rest and don't get back to training till the last week. Even then, you're taking it slow and steady.

Slowly raising the huge amount of power you had just gotten from training a whole lot the past 15 months in the chamber, but past three months in the outside world.

PL's Post Tournament Training

Y/n: 78,375,000 - 2,350,000,000

Sage:  65,000,000 - 2,275,000,000

Neros: 58,000,000 - 2,100,000,000

Y/n(SSJ): 2,350,000,000 - 117,500,000,000

Sage(SSJ): 2,275,000,000 - 113,750,000,000

Neros(SSJ): 2,100,000,000 - 105,000,000,000

You spared a little with your brothers, but you couldn't help the fact that they were closing in on you. The power gap had increased but, It felt as if... they were somewhat on your level.

Well, the bigger the gap, the bigger the numbers, the smaller the differences actually are.

Day of the Tournament.

You had arrived outside the king's palace ready to show everyone what you were made of, your power had grown tremendously but no one would be able to notice since you learned how to suppress your strength.

You were making your way up to the podium where two men with scouters tested your battle power until...

?: Hey, Y/n.