Chapter 8

You heard a familiar voice, but one that also seemed foreign. For a moment you wondered who's it could've been, but at the same time... you were thinking it could've been Liz or Amina's.

They probably called your name to tell you how they handled the training you would go through as a child. Though, the voice sounded like one of a guy.

Neros: Hey there Skip.

Skip: Hey there low-class, didn't know you three would be joining this tournament.

Y/n: Middle-class.

Skip: Doesn't matter, you ain't no elite.

?: But I am.

Sage: Kore.

Taz: And me.

Skip: Now there's a real lo-

Taz: Shut up.

Sage: Anyway, did you guys train.

Kore: Yep, stronger than before.

Skip: Same here, I'm expecting to go far.

Y/n: How far?

Skip: Quarter-Finals.

Neros: How come you've dialed down?

Taz: You used to say, that you would go all the way to the finals.

Skip: Whatever, that was only in my first two tournaments.

Kore: Why not again on your third, third times the charm, in it.

Skip: That was before I realized how strong everyone was.

Taz: I heard that they changed the rules for the tournament.

Sage: In what way?

Taz: They doubled the number of participants, so there's going to be seven rounds instead of six. The fighters that rank Top 100 in the evaluation of power are automatically in Round One.

While the other twenty-eight are determined by a battle royal between the Top 101- 150. Once twenty-eight fighters are left they'll ring the bell, and ask for your name.

After that, they'll just slot you into one of the open spaces, and boom! The real challenge begins.

Y/n: More opportunity.

Taz: Huh?

Y/n: More chances for more people to join in, fairer.

Taz: I guess.

Skip: You three seem calm.

Sage: Cause we're confident.

Kore: Think your gonna make it far. You know, the tournament's harder than you think.

Sage: Yeah sure.

Y/n: We've trained hard these past three months.

Kore: Everyone has.

Neros: You'll be surprised to see how strong we've gotten.

Skip: Whatever, let's just go see where we rank.

The six of you walk over to the judges, you each say your name and wait for your turn to be tested.

Judge: One Billion! One Billion Five Hundred Million! Nine Hundred Million!

Kore: It looks like the elites are going to average at around one billion two hundred million or so.

Y/n: What really! That low.

Kore: Low?

Y/n: Thought they'd be higher, like at least two billion.

Kore: Nope, the highest elite soldier is known to go as high as one billion eight hundred million. Then after that is the youngest prince, Thomas, going at around two billion. The rest are unknown.

Neros: How come?

Kore: The two older siblings don't show their true strength, and Princess Lily isn't allowed to fight since she isn't eighteen yet.

Neros: How do you know this.

Taz: Sources say.

Sage: Hmm, hey can you guys wait here?

Y/n: For what?

Sage: I need to talk to you and Neros.

Your brother flies off and you follow him.

Y/n: What's up?

Sage: The elites battle power. I didn't think father had trained us up to the point where we'd surpass the youngest prince.

Neros: Guess he really was serious about pushing us. He even helped us master super saiyan.

Y/n: This is great.

Sage and Neros look at you.

Y/n: We get to show everyone that even the inferior can surpass the higher class.

Sage: Maybe, but we can't go at our fullest. Imagine if everyone sees how strong we've become in such time.

Y/n: I guess we'll have to suppress our power and slowly build up.

Neros: What's our plan to get in though. Top 100 or Top 150.

Y/n: I wanna go Top 100.

Sage: We'll have to see how everyone ends up in the ranking.

You head back to see how everyone's doing.

Judge: Incredible! A low class at Seven Hundred Million!

Liz: Oh yeah.

Y/n: What did I just hear!

Sage: Liz has just entered the Top 100. Barely though.

Neros: Woah.

Y/n: She must've trained. And hard. You guys go on, I need to know how she did it.

Sage: Okay, but at this point, we're going Top 100

Y/n: Got it.

You fly off to Liz's location where you can see she was with her older sisters.

Y/n: Hey there.

You hit the ground with your feet.

Y/n: Seems like you trained.

Liz: Not really. Just one of my new tricks.

Y/n: New invention?

Liz: Yep, it messes with the judges scouters and it massively increases the battle power of the fighter.

Y/n: By how much?

Liz: However much I need it to.

May: Why you gonna need it.

Y/n: No, I already know my training has put me far above what I used to be. If anything, this new invention is useless to me.

May: Real cocky.

Y/n: Not cocky, just the truth.

Amina: Wow, how far do you think you'll make it into the tournament?

Y/n: If I'm not wrong, at least the semifinals.

Amina: That confident? Didn't you see how strong those elites were?

You had taken your battle gloves off and were now playing around with your wrist, but stopped when she said that. You proceeded to smile as you found that funny since the elites weren't on your level.

Y/n: Yeah but... I got a surprise coming.

You grinned.

Y/n: Anyway Liz, can I see one of those... battle power, modifiers?

Liz: Not the name of them, but here? Why do you need one? I thought you were crazy strong now?

Y/n: For a friend.

Amina: Who?

Y/n: Taz.

May: Kore's younger brother?

Y/n: Yeah.

May: Is he a low-class?

Y/n: Yep, stronger than most middle-class, but.

Amina: But what?

Y/n: It seems like the elites, which take up like 75% of the Top 150, and high middle-class warriors... might outclass him in the evaluation.

Liz: So?

Y/n: If he doesn't reach, I'll throw this at him without anyone noticing so he can be able to qualify in the Top 150 Battle Royal.

Amina: But more competition for the Top 150.

Y/n: Doesn't matter, I'll be in the Top 100 and automatically qualify. The battle roya-

Amina: I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about Liz and I. We'll have the bigger problem to get to Round One.

Y/n: Oh but... uh... good luck.

You laughed nervously.

Y/n: Wait, you and May already got evaluated.

Amina: Yes.

Y/n: When?

Amina: Right before Liz.

Y/n: Hmm. I missed it. Anyway, good luck.

Amina: Do you mean it this time.

Y/n: Yeah, meant it the first time too.

Amina: Sure, but, you should get yourself evaluated before you don't get the chance. Don't wanna waste time talking to us.

Y/n: Guess so.

You return to the group.

Sage: Your back.

Y/n: Yep.

Neros: We're almost next.

Y/n: Sweet. I'm ready.

You clench your fists in preparation.