Chapter 9

Judge: Next!

Sage walks over and waits for the signal.

Judge: Now.

Sage: HAA!

Judge: The middle-class has a score of... One Billion! Incredible!

The crowd was shocked that a middle-class was able to rival the strongest elites, but they didn't know more surprises were on the way.

Judge: Hmm... Next!

I let Neros go.

Judge: Now.

Neros: HAA.

Judge: What, another middle-class at One Billion!

Neros: Hmph.

The judge was now trembling a little.

Judge: N-Next.

Your turn, but instead of following your brothers lead you decided to go for the highest score in the tournament so far. 

Y/n: HAA!

Judge: The low-class has got a score of... of... One Billion Nine Hundred Million! The highest so far! 

You were gonna walk off until the judge called you and your brothers back for a re-test.

Sage: Why'd you go so high?

Y/n: I wanted to make my mark.

Sage: Save that for later.

Y/n: Fine.

You get re-evaluated, and this time the three of you go for Nine Hundred Million. Simple.

Judge: There, seems like it's going back to normal.

Next was Kore who matched our suppressed power.

Kore: What was that?

Sage: What?

Kore: The power.

Sage: It was our battle power.

Kore: It can't be. No way was you able to increase it by that much in three months.

Sage: Well we did.

Kore: Anyway, Taz is next. He probably won't make it, but let's see by how much he has improved.

Y/n: I'm off.

Sage: Where? 

Y/n: Forgot something at home.

Sage: Go quickly.

Y/n: I will.

You suppress your power very low so that no one would be able to suspect you were hiding behind a pillar ready to cheat Taz into the tournament.

Judge: Now.

Taz: HAA!

Taz was rising but it looked like he was reaching his peak at one hundred twenty Million. 

Random Saiyan: He's not gonna make it, he's only a low-class!

With that comment, Taz's power rose by another eighty million. It was a perfect moment for you to throw the modifier/chip. You saw your chance and threw it.

Taz: Grr, ah, ... HAA!

There was silence.

Judge: He made it! Nine Hundred Million!

Crowd: What? 

Kore: Where did that come from?

You flew back to the group, acting casual.

Y/n: What happened? Why is everyone shocked?

Neros: Taz got a battle power of Nine Hundred Million.

Y/n: So he's already into the Top 100. Nice.

Taz: That was the craziest thing I've ever done.

Kore: Guess that elite really set you off.

Taz: That'll show him.

Taz was proud of his score, so you didn't wanna ruin his moment by telling him his battle power was a fluke. You let this slide, even though it might worry you later on; but Taz earned this.

Your decision was based on how hard it looked like he trained, he really did a number. Before it was Skip's turn, the evaluation was interrupted.  

?: Wow great job for ... *Laugh* uh, pieces of absolute trash.