Chapter 26

Smoke. The only thing that was visible was the smoke. Nothing but smoke and some rubble.

Coming up from the rubble.

Y/n: Tch- that... aw shit, my arm hurts.

Neros: That really packed a punch. Damn.

The explosion was bigger than you thought, and it did more than just setting off a simple KABOOM.

Somewhere off in the distance.

Ceric: Hmph... well, something like that was bound to happen.

Back to the tournament.

Amina: Jesus.

Sage: Everyone okay.

Kore: Yeah.

Taz: Same here.

May: Me too.

Skip: Sort of.

Liz: I'm actually in perfect condition.

Liz had used one of her inventions, one which was used as a shield.

Amina: Well, good for you.

Prince Victor: Those damn middle-class destroyed the ring again.

Victor looked around.

Prince Victor: Not just the ring, but the tournament grounds as well.

The tournament ring and area was basically destroyed. The reception, power scale, and stands were basically in ruins.

At the palace.

Queen Victoria: Oh dear, this time the ring wasn't just destroyed.

Princess Melissa: There's smoke everywhere. It looks like everything down there was destroyed.

King Vegeta: I'll send some people to take a look.

Medics and Investigators rushed to the tournament grounds to see how badly the destruction was.

Queen Victoria: Will we have to postpone said semi-finals and final.

Prince Victor: NO!

King Vegeta: Where did you come from.

Prince Victor: This must continue.

Queen Victoria: Victor, everything's destroyed.

Prince Victor: We'll fight this way.

Queen Victoria: I hardly-

Prince Victor: Trust me, the tournament will go on.

King Vegeta: We'll see after the weaklings get up.

Prince Victor: Fine. One thing though, they ain't weaklings. They're right behind me.

King Vegeta: You'll still beat them.

Prince Victor: Of course.

Queen Victoria: Hmm... if possible, they would make great soldiers to the army. Maybe we would put an end to the Frost Demons once and for all.

King Vegeta: Our rivals?

Queen Victoria: Indeed.

King Vegeta: No.

Queen Victoria: Huh?

King Vegeta: I want those saiyans dead. Dead!

Queen Victoria: Oh my.


Medics arrived to check on the crowd.  Turns out, most of everyone there was severely injured.

Y/n: HA!

You finally got up, destroying the rubble around you.

Y/n: I'm up... nevermind.

You fell back down.

Neros: HA!

Neros also got up.

Neros: Here we go.

And he also fell back down.

Y/n: Oh well.

Once the medics checked up on everybody in the crowd they went to you.

Medic: Son, you okay.

Y/n: I'm fine... just need to lay down for a minute.

He went over to Neros, but before he got a chance to talk Neros said something.

Neros: I'm okay. No worries.

The medic went back to his fellow servicemen, and they flew up to the palace.

At the palace.

Medic: Sir, the fighters say they're well and fit to fight.

King Vegeta: The others.

Medic: Others?

King Vegeta: The people in the crowd.

Medic: Oh yes, um... most of the crowd is in severe condition from the impact.

King Vegeta: Hmm.

Queen Victoria: Thank you, I'll take it from here.

King Vegeta: You?

Queen Victoria: Yes.

King Vegeta: Hmph... what are you going to do?

Queen Victoria: We'll get everybody the help they need. Then, we'll have hour maintenance.

King Vegeta:*sigh* Wasn't there a saiyan that had an invention that could repair the ring?

Queen Victoria: That might work, but I don't know about everything else.

Tournament Ruins.

You finally got up, fully, this time you wouldn't fall back down. You took a look around.

Y/n: Oh jeez.

Neros: What happened?

Neros arose from his rubble.

Y/n: We...-

Neros looked around.

Neros: Woah, that was more than a kaboom.

A pile of rubble fell on you.

Y/n: What the?

You got the rubble off of you.

Y/n: Do you think... the tournaments still on.*pant*

Neros: Well, don't think so.

Y/n: Everyone's left.

Neros: Huh?

Y/n: Look, the crowd is gone.

Neros: Should we ask the medics what's going to happen?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Neros: Like if the tournaments stopped or something.

Y/n: I guess.

You flew up until you saw a doctor.

Y/n: Yo doc!

You fired a ki-blast near him to get his attention. He turned around and you flew to his location.

Y/n: So, what's up.

"Doc'': Excuse me?

Y/n: The tournament. Is it going to continue, or has it stopped for now?

Queen Victoria: It depends.

Y/n: Huh? Oh, it's you.

Queen Victoria: We can continue the fight but not in this venue.

Neros: Why not?

Queen Victoria: Everything here is destroyed.

Y/n: And it will be again.

Queen Victoria: Your fight will only make the mess worse. Thus, making the reconstruction longer. Unless you can find that girl.

Y/n: Liz.

Queen Victoria: Whatever her name is. Just bring her here so she can reconstruct the ring.

Y/n: The battle.

Queen Victoria: Postponed.

Y/n: Dam-

Neros pulled you over.

Neros: I have an idea.

Y/n: What?

Neros: Mountains.

Y/n: Mountains?

Neros: Mountains.

You stood confused for a while.

Y/n: Oh, mountains. We can fight there.

Neros: Exactly.

Y/n: Good thinking. Yo! Queen! We have an idea.

Queen Victoria: You don't call me whatever you wa-

Y/n: Don't care. While the ring is being repaired, and whether or not you'll start the next match. My brother and I will finish off where we left off in the mountains.

Queen Victoria: Fine, but how would that work.

Y/n: Don't need to worry about that. You'll see soon.

Queen Victoria: Whatever, just get the girl and finish this semi-final already.

Y/n: Jeez.

Neros: Let's go meet up with the others.

Y/n: Yeah.

You flew off with your brother, but as you flew you were getting tired much quicker than before. The explosion must've really taken some energy.

Y/n: Hey, do you feel... tired.

Neros: Yeah of course.

Y/n: No, but like a lot.

Neros: Yeah, the blast practically cut me in half.

Y/n: Oh ok, because I'm really tired. I just wanna fall.

Neros: You can last. We're almost there, I can sense them.

Y/n: Why does the hospital have to be so far? Did they even get hurt from the blast?

Neros: Knowing Liz and her gadgets. No. They're probably just helping.

Y/n: Hmm... seems legit.

You kept on flying until you were under the hospital.

Y/n: Hey, am I still super saiyan.

Neros: Yes.

Y/n: Cool.

Neros: What about me?

Y/n: The same, you still have the blond hair on top of your head.

Neros: Sweet.

Y/n: Well, time to fall.

Neros: What?

You returned to normal, and let yourself free fall.

Neros: I would save you, but I'm pretty sure you don't want me to.

Y/n: That's about right.

You continued to fall.


You crashed into the building like a meteor. Making a hole from floor to floor until you finally hit the concrete floor.

Amina: Hey, you awake.

Y/n: Just a bit... ah, my body hurts.

Neros came floating down.

Neros: Hey there buddy.

Y/n: Why didn't you catch me?

Neros: You didn't want me to.

Y/n: Oh yeah.

Amina: Here.

She offered you a hand and together pulled you back up.

Y/n: Did anyone get hurt.

Amina: No, we withstood it.

Y/n: Good. So, where is everyone?

Amina: Everyone is helping the wounded get medical attention.

Y/n: That's nice.

Amina: From your big mess.

Y/n: There we go.

Amina: Be more careful next time.

Y/n: Careful, how? It was a beam struggle. It's either you get hit or you don't. You get injured or you get yourself to safety.

Amina: Shhh.

She put her finger against your lips.

Amina: Anyway, both of you need help. You look, one-inch closer to-

Y/n: Just pass me a senzu.

Amina: You have some in your pocket. We gave you like, six.

You put your hands in your pockets, and sure enough, you had some.

Y/n: Yeah. Here you go.

You tossed a bean to Neros. Both of you ate one.

Y/n: HA!

Neros: HA!

You both received a 30% power increase.

Y/n: That's the stuff.

Neros: Woah! I feel good.

Amina: 30% increase.

Neros: So that means. My power level went from 2,310,000,000 to 3,003,000,000! Hey, were stronger than the prince.

Y/n: Wait, let me do the maths.

You stood for a sec.

Y/n: Screw it, someone pass me the calculator.

As you figured out the power level, Neros was looking at his fist ready to challenge anybody.

Y/n: My power level went from 2,585,000,000 to 3,360,500,000.

Amina: Incredible!

She clapped.

Y/n: Anyway, Liz.

Amina: What about her?

Y/n: We need her to fix the-

Amina: Mess.

Y/n: No.

Amina: Aftermath of friendly competition.

Y/n: That's the one.

Amina: Sure. Let me just-

Y/n: By the way, we're gonna leave right now so. The ring problem is now your situation to handle.

Amina: Wait, what, why?

Y/n: We need to continue our fight.

Anima;*groan* fine.

Y/n: Thanks.

Amina: No problem. Just do you what you gotta do.

Y/n: See you later.

Amina: Bye.

Y/n: Bye.

You put your hand on her shoulder.

Amina: Uh-

Neros: Let's go.

Y/n: Agreed.

You shot up into the sky, moving towards the mountains.

5 minutes later.

Y/n: Here we are. There!

You pointed towards a spot and flew over.

Y/n: This looks like a ring itself.

Neros: It is kinda like a square.

Y/n: Right. Anyway, same thing. Touch the floor beyond the square, and you're done.

Neros: Got it.

Y/n: Alright, round two.

Neros: In 3-

Y/n: 2-

Neros: 1-

Y/n: GO!