Chapter 27

Neros: HA!

Y/n: HA!

You both went for the punch, but this time you stopped halfway through the dash towards him.

Y/n: Take this!

You started a barrage of ki-blast, knocking him away.

Neros: Argh.

He crashed into a mountain, another one destroyed. You were gonna proceed to attack but you knew he was gonna try to trick you, by pulling off something surprising.

Neros: HA!

A big ki-blast came down from the sky, but that was only a distraction. You deflected it away, and sure enough, Neros was ready to appear behind you.

Neros: Suprise.

Neros was going for a kick.

Y/n: Not today.

You blocked with your right hand, grabbed his leg, and threw him up into the sky. You quickly flew up and punched him back down. As he landed on the floor, you flew down and punched him into a mountain. Which was proceeded by another barrage of ki, and then a big ki-ball in his direction.


You leaped back as the smoke cleared. You smiled as you could see Neros walking out of the area, but it appeared that he had little damage sustained. He saw your confusion and proceeded to show you his shield that he used against your attack. It was made out of ki.

Y/n: Impressive.

Neros: Hmph.

He grinned.

Neros: Let's continue.

Y/n: You got it.

You began to dash towards each other once again.

Y/n: HAAA!

Neros: HAAA!

He went for a punch, and so did you, sort of. You flexed your muscles, making it look like a movement that was going to end in a punch. Then, last-second you let out a fragment of ki that exploded when you moved out of the way.


Neros: Going with the ki-blast again huh.

Y/n: It's effective.

Neros:*laugh* We'll see.

Y/n: We already have.

Neros: Just saying, Skip did it first.

Y/n: Yeah whatever. Just taking a page out of his book I guess.

Neros: Alright, no more talking. Let's do this.

Y/n: Sure, just action.

Neros: Exactly.

He dashed away from you until he quickly turned around to throw a ball of ki. You deflected and dashed into him, kneeling him with your right leg but having your attack blocked by his hands. You let go and spun to kick his head with the back of your right heel. After that, you kicked the right side of his ribs with your left leg; and then went for the uppercut. You proceeded to knee him into another mountain.

He got back up, shaking off the dust on his hair. He jumped up and joined you in the air, flying up to the same height as you. Both of you prepared yourselves as you continued to fight. For some time you had gotten the upper hand. You were able to counter his attacks, you succeeded when it came to finishing off combos, and you blasted him away when you needed time to recover. Eventually, it was time to up the anty.

Both of you went super saiyan.

Even though you both had the same amount of a power boost, it seemed that Neros slowly got the advantage. As you were clashing, Neros let go of the cross-armed hold you had on each other ( you had your left hand holding onto his right, and your right holding onto his left). He punched your gut, elbowed your back, and kneed you right on the face.

He threw you down to the ground. He started to release a barrage of ki, which you got rid of with your own ki-blast. He came down for a punch, you were gonna block but you moved out of the way. He came crashing down onto the surface, he then recovered and tried to go for another left hook. You dodged and hit his stomach, proceeded by a kick to his back.

He once again hit the ground. He tried to trip you by doing a 360 on the ground with his foot, but you jumped in time. You landed but he was ready to uppercut you. You were flying off going into a mountain, but you prepared and bounced off it to punch Neros away. He was also going for a rebound but you got him with a kick across the face before he could do anything.

You then put your hands together and motioned your hands down to hit him, as if you were using an axe. He fell back down and you sent three big balls of ki in his direction.


He got back up from the explosion. Somehow holding two! One probably damaged him while he was able to control two. You didn't know how he had stopped the two. You for sure thought they were going to hit him. As he came up he threw them back and made some of his own. He threw them everywhere, not actually going for you.

They stayed in place, and you saw that he was going to have them attack you. You flew away as they chased you. Up, down, left, right, practically everywhere. You eventually moved high into the air where you had time to prepare for them. You deflected two and sliced the others in half with your arms. The thing was, they didn't explode as you thought.

They become two separate small ones from the original one, which came back to get you. You were surprised as you felt many balls of ki hit you out of nowhere. You didn't know they split so you looked up for Neros. He wasn't there but he was in front of you when you turned to look back down. He used the bottom of his foot to hit you in the face and started spinning you around for a while. You started falling, and you were incredibly dizzy.

Y/n's Mind: My head hurts. I see like ten different Neros.

As you were falling you looked up to see Neros going for his combo. Since you were still dizzy you missed the counterattack. You barely landed on your feet as you still had some after-effect from the spinning. Eventually, it stopped but Neros had started to get you with all his might. He got you with a left hook, right hook, left, right, left, and then a spinning kick. You were flying for a bit but you got your mojo back.

He teleported behind you but you blocked his uppercut and tripped him down. As you were falling you were on a handstand position firing ki. He blocked with his hands and you started to unleash a barrage of punches. He couldn't last for long and you broke through his defense. You let out all the amount of punches, then kicked him to the right.

You teleported and kicked him up with both feet. It didn't work as after he teleported behind you and elbowed your neck. It was painful. You slowly got up but he prevented you from recovering. He punched you across the mountain range into a hill. He flew up and started to charge up a super attack of his.

Neros: Explosive Rainfall!

He let out as many ki-balls as he could, up into the air. As expected from the name, they went up to the clouds and came down like a rain shower. It was truly raining, not water, but ki. You dodged most of them, but eventually, they started to hit you. Neros kept on releasing ki, and faster every time. Eventually, you decided to use some of your ki and energy on a shield.

Once you did, you slowly flew to Neros who had stopped and started to target you directly. You got rid of the ki-shield and resumed fighting hand to hand. You missed a right hook but landed the left knee. He then hit you with his elbow when he countered with a back hit. He got you with a left hook and a foot to the chest. You were pushed back a bit, but once he came to continue you backed away.

You proceeded to let out a big explosion coming from your body. You formed a star shape and started to let out ki. It wasn't like sending a barrage; it was like if you were the explosion, and pretty much anything around you would be affected. Neros was left flying away and up into the sky. He stopped himself from going any further and rejoined the fighting area.

You charged up and dashed towards him. This time no holding back as both of you went for a full-powered punch.


You hit each other on the cheek,

Y/n: Tch-

Neros: Uh-

Both of you fell down onto the floor.

Y/n: Ugh.

Neros: Tch*pant pant*

You started getting back up. As you got back on both feet you saw that Neros was still laid down on the floor. He began to get up himself, you were going to attack but you realized one thing was wrong.

You didn't know who had gone out of bounds first. Who knows, it could've been you or Neros.

Y/n: Hey I just realized something.

Neros sat down on a nearby boulder.

Neros: What?

Y/n: Who went out of bounds first.

Neros looked around, noticing that the battle was far from its original starting point.

Neros: I don't know.

Y/n: Well, then.

Neros: Then what?

Y/n: I don't know, should we just build... a fence?

Neros: Fence?

Y/n: Like a wall or something.

Neros: What will it be made out of.

Y/n: Well, what are we surrounded by.

Neros: Rocks.

Y/n: Lots of rocks.

You began to gather up materials. You got as many rocks and boulders as you could to finish the border you were gonna use as a boundary. Once that was settled the fight resumed.

Y/n: Alright, if you go outside the rocks-

Neros: Your out.

Y/n: Yep. Now, to start fighting. Again.

Neros: 3...

Y/n: 2...

Neros: 1...

Y/n: GO!