Chapter 28

.Y/n: Yep. Now, to start fighting. Again.

Neros: 3...

Y/n: 2...

Neros: 1...

Y/n: GO!

Meanwhile, at the hospital.

Amina: Liz! Liz! Liz!

Amina walks around the hospital trying to find her younger sister.

Amina: Liz! Li- Liz.

Liz: Huh?

Amina: I need your device.

Liz: Which one?

Amina: The one you used to fix the ring.

Liz: Why?

Amina: So I can fix the ring.

Liz: Why do you wanna do that?

Amina: A favor.

Liz:*sigh* those guys.

Amina: Huh?

Liz: It's like they can't live without fighting.

Amina: Yep, but that's what saiyans were pretty much made for.

Liz: Are we sure about?

Amina: Well, that's what everyone tells us. That's the basic philosophy.

Liz: I guess. Anyway, let me get it for you.

She goes over to her bag of inventions.

Liz: Here you go.

Amina: Thanks, but wait.

Liz: What?

Amina: How do you use this thing? I'm pretty sure it's more than just pressing a button and throwing it.

Liz: Well- actually, I'll go with you.

Amina: You don't have to.

Liz: But I want to. These people are annoying me. Once they saw me give Y/n, and Neros a senzu bean, senzu beans left and right. "Oh but please we need one!", or the doctors, "We need them for the patients, it's good for them", or "we need some of those magical beans of yours".

Amina:*laugh* looks like you've had a lot of shoes to fill.

Liz: You have no idea.

Amina: One question.

Liz: Yes.

Amina: Which senzu beans did you give them?

Liz: The green ones.

Amina: Good. Can't waste the blue ones.

Liz: Course, now let's go.

They flew back to the tournament, also meeting Queen Victoria on their first down.

Liz: Is that the queen?

Amina: Yeah.

Liz: Do we bow?

Amina: I don't know? Yes.

Queen Victoria: I'm guessing one of you is called Liz.

Liz: Yep that's me.

Queen Victoria: Do you have the device you used before? The one that brought this ring back to its former self.

Liz: Yeah it's right here.

She pulled it out of her pocket and started to initiate the reconstruction. It wasn't simple, she was pressing a lot of buttons.

Amina: So it's not so simple.

Liz: Well since we have more to deal with, it's harder to fix this right off the bat.

Amina: I see.

Liz: Alright it's done. Follow me.

Queen Victoria: For what?

Liz: So I can fix this correctly. I don't want to miss a spot, or actually-

Amina: Just follow queen, it'll be easier.

The three flew up to get a full view of the tournament grounds.

Liz: Uh, I think those people who are helping out need to move.

Queen Victoria: I'll have them move.

Liz: Too late.

She threw the orb, which started to cover the area in blue. The engineers helping out fix the mess were scared, and confused. The area proceeded to light up, and a big flare came about. The ring, and along with the area around it, had been fixed.

Amina: There we go. Back to it's "former glory".

Queen Victoria: Good. Now... the next match shall start. Meanwhile, we'll await the result of the other matchup.

Amina: I wonder.

Liz: Wonder what?

Amina: Who's winning? Or, who won?

In the mountains.

Y/n: HA!

You had gone for a ki-blast that turned into a flare. It blinded your brother.

Neros: My eyes.

You grabbed your brother's hand, dragging him over and landing a clothesline. He hit the floor, jumping back up, and hitting you with his feet on his way back. Now on your way down, you also went for a back jump. The difference, he was ready to attack you on your way up. He went for a spinning kick, which you dodged by quickly moving your upper body downwards.

He then successfully hit you with his other swinging foot, knocking you over to the other side. You stopped yourself from going any closer to the edge. You had roughly set your feet down onto the floor, stopping you from sliding past the rocks. You then threw some ki-mines as you saw him coming in your direction. He quickly crossed his arms to avoid damage, successful but he ended up sliding in front of you.

You went for a punch to the gut, he spit some blood. After that, you kneed him and kicked the left side of his face. He ended up hitting the ground instead of flying off in a direction. He quickly got back on his feet, elbowing you. He then flipped you over, proceeding to jump and blast you from a distance. You rolled over to avoid said blast and got some distance by doing a couple of backflips, opposite of his direction.

You charged and jumped/flew up for a big punch. He crossed his arms to block, you kicked upwards to release his hands from guarding his upper body. Once that happened, both of you tried to gain an advantage during a hand to hand battle. You went for a left hook, dodged, he went for an uppercut, dodged. Eventually, you had an idea, but that would require a clear opening.

It wasn't until he went for a big punch, that you saw said opening. You motioned a punch, stopping yourself once you were centimeters away from his ribs. During the time, you had secretly charged up ki. The idea was to land a hit and blast him away. The thing is, the punch would potentially drain his stamina tremendously. In fact, based on how hard and how much time you've been fighting; it would practically drain the rest of the energy he had.

Once you had stopped yourself, you had gone for a spinning kick instead. He blocked with his hands, spinning your leg and going for a punch on your way back to him. He missed, and you went the hit to his chest. After that, you revealed the plan. Blasting him away. He had crashed into a mountain outside the area, but you thought he would still be safe.

You had said if anyone had gone outside the rocks, you would be out. That wouldn't be fun, or right, mostly because at any point you could throw someone outside the area. So, you had it that if anyone hit the ground. Then, you would be out. As the mountain collapsed you waited to see if he'd hit the floor. Nothing happened for a while, you couldn't see him but you could sense his ki somewhere.

Neros: HA!

You turned around to see what would look like a meteor shower, it was really just a lot of ki-blast.


He came charging down at imaginable speeds. He struck you with a powerful hit, you really felt the pain. You spit some blood as you were now on your knees. You kept your super saiyan state, but man you were in some agony. He came over but you got up, and let out a giant explosion from your body. He was sent far, next to the edge of the ring.

You got up ignoring the pain and went for an ultimate of your own.

Y/n: My turn. Time to end this.

You charged up. Neros noticed, and he proceeded to dash towards you before you could start something. You saw and waited for his arrival. You did what you had done earlier, you put your hands up a certain way to send him back to the hyperbolic time chamber on earth. ( Once again, the move that Jiren used which sent UI Goku into a mountain.)

He fell for it and that bought some time to charge up. Once you did you dashed towards him, punching him in the face with a left and right hook. You then hit him with a spinning kick, afterward with a blast to his face. Next on the bucket list was to set a rain full of ki. You raised your hand up with a clenched fist, and let the ki hit him. You had taken a page out of his book as well.

The blast went everywhere, he struggled to dodge as he was now too tired to move. While the blast kept on coming down from every direction.

You flew up and decided to use Last Impact to finish the match off.

Y/n: HA!

You had stopped the rain of ki and went for the first wave of your finisher.

Neros: Damn.

He prepared as he put his hands up to block.


You pulled your hand back to release the second wave.

Neros: Grr... Ki-shield!

Neros made a shield to use against the attack. He pushed his ki-shield against Final Impact to use his Supernova Cannon.



You didn't want another clash, so you revealed your second transformation/ technique that you would use against Prince Victors super saiyan 2.

Y/n: Not today! Not again! KAIOKEN!

Neros: Kaio-what?

Y/n: HA!