Chapter 35

Final Fight- Y/n vs. Victor

Y/n: HAAA!

Victor: HAAA!


You had both gone for the punch which had resulted in a clash of forearms. Both of you pushing against each other, trying to claim dominance.

Victor: Tch- HA!

Victor let go of the hold, going in for the surprise punch with his left arm. You ducked, but as you tilted your upper body he tried to get you with a sweep using his right leg. You noticed so you fell to the floor to jump down and then back up with a kick to the chest. He got sent back a bit, from there you tried to start an attack. But before you knew it Victor dashed back in front of you.

Victor: Suprise.

He got you with a clothesline.

Y/n: Tch.

You quickly got up, catching a high knee with both of your hands. You pushed his leg aside but then he quickly started to push you back with a tremendous amount of punches. You crossed your arms to block, but he eventually found a way past the barrier. He kicked up, making your arms separate from one another. He then proceeded to spin kick you away.

You flew across the ring, scrambling to make it on your feet. You shook your head.

Y/n's mind: Ok.

You got back to your fighting position, ready to continue.

As that happened, Victor dashed to continue his combo. You got ready, he came to your position throwing ki-blast after ki-blast, until he was finally in front of you. Throughout this, you dodged the ki, but also tried to find an opening. Before he could do anything else you flew forward to deliver a powerful strike up his chin. Following that with an elbow to the neck.

Before you sent him up into the air you ended the combination by kicking his head back up. You then grabbed his arms pulling him towards you to hit him with the bottom of your feet. He flew up so you started to fly, just so you could hammer him back down. As he rose up, you were going for a right hook, but he vanished in time.

Victor then tried to counter but you vanished as well, and this happened for a couple of "hits". One tried going for it, but the other vanished away. After multiple attempts to hit each other, you decided something needed to happen.

Y/n's mind: This vanishing thing needs to end.

Eventually, you decided to send a mini shockwave throughout the ring. Trying to get his location, and stop him from moving away.

Y/n: HA!

Victor: Gaagh!

Y/n: There he is.

Turns out, he was behind you. Instead of attacking you wanted to play it safe. You charged a medium-sized ball of ki and threw it behind you.

Y/n: HA!

He repelled it but it gave you a chance to get the match going again.

You flew to him at immense speed but as you went forward he disappeared.

Y/n's mind: Aw shit, here we go again.

Y/n: HA!

For a brief moment, he showed up behind you, but as you went for it he escaped. This was like duck duck goose, you were chasing him until you got your target.

Y/n's mind: Actually, It'll be better if I predict his movements. I'll probably get him easier that way.

Victor: Too slow.

Y/n: You sure? HA!

You stopped a vital punch centimeters away from his face. That wasn't what you were going for, you had a better idea that would require your other hand. You were going to fake him out. Anyway, Victor had crossed his arms to block, thinking he was finally going to get hit, but since he didn't feel anything he started to look up. He saw your fist close to his face, but then he saw that you were ready to go for a gut punch with your other hand.

You smirked, you went for the stamina break. It was a mistake though, as then you saw your self surprised when he blocked your hit right on time. Victor saw this reaction on your face and grinned.

Y/n's mind: Should've gone for the head.

He grabbed your left arm and pulled you forward for a head butt. Victor then grabbed your right arm for a big knee to the stomach. He then started to punch you there multiple times, putting you in agony. You had enough when you saw his hand close to your face, and he was charging a ki blast.

Y/n: Not today.

As he pulled back for a big impact you hit him with a quick and cheeky gut punch, breaking his stamina this time. The counterattack was on. First, you connected your hands and hit him sideways right on the face. You then decide to return the favor, you pulled him forward and kneed his stomach, from there on you continued with an uppercut, a left hook, a spinning kick, then ending it off with a hammer to send him back down to ground level.

He flew downwards, and so did you. But then as you were going down he surprisingly regained his stamina and spat upwards getting you with a what seemed to be a punch. It was really a closed fist ready to open up into a ki-blast.

That blinded you for a while, but eventually, you regained your eyesight. As you recovered Victor had gone and dashed towards you wrapping his arms around your neck.

He flew upwards at high speeds, only to come back down to throw you. Even though you were falling considerably fast you still found a way to land on your feet. But then again, Victor was waiting for you.

Victor: HA!

Y/n: Nope.

As you landed Victor appeared, having prepared a powerful beam of ki. He was aiming straight for your face but you moved your head before it could make contact. He was trying to decapitate you.


Y/n: Huh.

You looked behind you to see that Victor had hit some people in the stands. Causing an explosion, possibly killing someone, or even killing multiple people. You were going to say something about it but you knew he didn't care. As you turned around he just continued fighting.

Y/n: Woah.

He had tried to hit you with a right hook since you were distracted but your quick reflexes avoided that. From there on, he continued to push for the punches. Hoping to break through but you always ended up dodging. You were waiting until a slip-up came about.

At one point he had gone for sloppy punch, which allowed you to block with your left hand and hold onto his right first. You had an idea but you need the opposite to happen. So, to complete with the idea you waited until he let off another mistake. Once that happened you had his hands in your position. As you hold on, you saw him try to break free. But he couldn't.

Instead, he tried to knee or kick but didn't work either. You were ready to block whatever he got. Once you were sure, you made a twirl like movement, spinning both you and him. Once he came back with the 360° you placed your hand near his stomach, and blast with away. You sent him flying a little bit away but then another idea came to mind.

When he got up you threw seed-like ki up into the air, you liked to call them " ki-mines". They were what they sounded like, mines. Except made out of ki. You were going to get him with the KABOOMS. Anyway, on his return, you charged up and started to send a barrage of ki-blast. It slowed down his movement as he tried to block them while advancing forward.

As that happened, you continued to blast away while looking up to see where the seeds were. They had started to fall and were somewhat going to land a little bit away from Victor. So, you just had to occupy him as they slowly landed.

Victor: Grr... Enough!

Victor powered up and started to just dash forward. But mid-flight he was caught in the middle of the explosions of the mines.





Y/n: Aw sweet, right on time.

But as the smoke cleared you realized that your little trick didn't work. He set up a shield of ki anyway. Blocking any of the damage.

Y/n: Hmm... Plan B, I think.

After a few moments, it was seen that in Victor's eyes you had now disappeared. You teleported and lowered your ki down to the absolute minimum. Well, not really, just enough to be as strong as normal saiyan sitting in the stands. The plan was to stay "invisible" until you felt like reappearing or until Victor tried sending a shock wave of his own.

Victor's Mind: Hmm, where could you be hiding.

Victor: HAA!

He didn't send a shockwave but he started releasing ki from his body in every direction, hoping to hit you at some point.

Victor: HAA!

You basically waited until he was open.

Victor's mind: Hmm... that's not working.

Victor: Might as well come out, you know I'll find you sooner or later.


Victor: Fine... HA!

He sent a shockwave throughout the ring, trying to do what you did earlier.

Y/n: Now.

You quickly teleported in front of Victor.

Y/n: Suprise.

Victor: Ka...Crk

Y/n: HA!

You delivered a vital one-inch punch, which had him go on a knee.


Big Gut Punch

Victor: *Spits out blood* Tch-

Y/n: Not done yet.

You kicked him back up, now facing a little over your head. You proceeded to spin kick him away and then follow his flying body. Once you were behind him you elbowed his back and then teleported back in front of him for a foot to the stomach. You then started to go for a barrage of punches, hitting him with the left, the right, left, right, and so on.

Eventually, you stopped, but not before you ended with a giant right hook. Which resulted in Victor falling to the floor.

He laid still for a couple of seconds before moving.

Victor: No, not today saiyan!

Y/n: Huh.

Victor: HA!

He quickly swept your leg, having you fall to the floor. Landing on your back. Victor then got up grabbing your leg to lift you up, and slam you down onto your back. After that, he continued by slamming your front side hard onto the canvas.

Y/n: Tch-

Victor: Grr... HA!




Y/n: Gaagh.

He had grabbed both of your legs with both of his hands, jumping up to get a huge impact. As you lay there, trying to counterattack, he grabbed your head

Victor: I rule around here! You won't humiliate me anymore! HA!


He slammed your face down into the concrete, crushing it.

Y/n: Tch- ka.*spits blood*

Victor: HA! HA! HA! HA! (*not laugh*)

He slammed your face four times before he stopped.

Victor: Eat this!

He threw you across the ring, scraping your face along with it.

Y/n: Crk...

Victor: HA!

He jumped up to hit you with what seemed to be his own version of a spirit ball.

Y/n: Grr...

With the little stamina you had left, you quickly got up to lift your hands up, and then pull them back down into the direction of his attack.

Y/n: Kaya!

With that, you had disintegrated the giant ball, while also absorbing some of its energy.

Victor: What the?

Y/n: Hmph, *grin*, yeah. *Pant* *pant* it worked. *Cough* *cough*.

Victor: Hmph.

Y/n: Really did a number on me.

You got into your fighting position, waiting for him to come. Moments later he charged up and came dashing to you, ready to connect a punch.

Y/n: Alright. HAA!

Victor: HAA!


*If your wondering, yes. This chapter used to be bigger, but I cut it into two separate pieces since the original was so long. Anyway, continue reading and enjoy. The next part is the second half of the original chapter which is the continuation. Otherwise, no changes have been made.*