Chapter 36


Fist clashed, dust appeared around, you went for the first attack. You jumped up and got him with a crane-like kick. Following that with a chop that missed, he teleported behind you, quickly sensing his move, you were ready to kick him in the ribs. Then spinning around to get him with the back heel. Hitting the right side of his head.

You then went for the right hook but he dodged your fist, moving away and countering with a hammer down. You were sent down, but as you were getting up you saw Victor land on the floor. And hard, causing a small crater around his feet. He went for an uppercut, missed, but then he surprised you when he used that same arm to elbow you in the face on its way back.

Your head went down, Victor then tried going for a head stomp. Missed. You pulled your head back and blasted away. Not knowing if he blocked or not, you did backflip after backflip, gaining distance. After you landed you saw him up in the air going for a big punch. You got ready to make your next move as he landed. You moved back as his fist hit the ground hard, you then stepped on his hand to keep it still.

He looked up and you decided to punch him right on the face, then hitting him on the chin with a superkick- spinning kick combination. Following that by jumping away to throw a ki-mine.


This time it did hit him, and he was sent to the other side. You flew to his location, but he teleported. You thought he was going to go behind you but he wasn't. You turned around but he appeared below, quickly noticing you tried going in for a hard kick. Missed, instead, you met the hard concrete with your left foot. As you missed, Victor hit you with a hard chop to the back of the neck.

You tilted over to where your gut met his hard knee. Then he followed with an elbow to the back, making the pain from his knee bigger. From there he pulled you back for another knee, then an uppercut, ending it off with another face slam onto the floor. This time landing on your back. He knew this really drained your stamina so he was going to continue.

This time you were more prepared. As he slammed you down, you lifted your legs up to get him in an arm lock. Flipping him over and getting him with a jumping clothesline on your way up. You then jumped for a hard punch which was blocked with crossed arms.

Y/n: Hmm... Meteor Crash! HA!

Not giving up you started to punch and/or kick the barrier he'd made. Eventually, knocking it down and punching Victor from all over his upper body. Getting him in the face with an uppercut, a hook, a hard punch or destroying his torso with powerful kicks.

Victor: Gaagh.

You noticed your stamina was depleting fast from this attack, so you had to stop, but before that you had to stabilize him. So you ended it off by kneeing him in the face twice, one knee after the other, and then simply kicking him into the ground. From there, you slowly went down to conserve energy. Waiting for him to make the next move.

He got up, getting in his fighting position while grinning. You were about to dash forward into each other again, but this time when you went for the punch he jumped at the moment of collision. Trying to get you with a high kick, but being denied by your left arm. He then tried with his other leg which was blocked by your other arm. You moved his leg down and went for a kick of your own.

Barely scraping his nose.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to counter as he held control for the time being. He grabbed your leg and started to spin you around, proceeded by throwing you up. As you were high into the air you saw him waiting for you, he was going to blast you away with some sort of super beam.

Victor: Royal-

Y/n's mind: Shit!

Y/n: Stop.

You had stopped your body from going any forward.

Victor: Galick-

Y/n: Guess I'll have to-

Victor: Beam!

Y/n: Take it down with me. HA!

The powerful beam collided with your hands.

Y/n: Tch-

It was pushing you down, you could try to push it away, but that would require some effort. Which, you didn't want to do as you were planning to conserve your strength. It was all about playing it easy for now. As you were struggling and Victor continued to push away with more blast, you thought-

Y/n's mind: You know, I should just move out of this things way.

Moments later.

Y/n's mind: Agreed.

Y/n: Hya!

You moved beside it, letting it pass and crash onto the ring floor. Causing a crater that covered 50-60% of the surface.

Y/n: Problem sol-

As you were mid-sentence Victor punched you in the face. He saw it as an opportunity since you were off-guard, and distracted from the impact of the blast. You started to fall but instead of getting back into action you let yourself feel the cold air as you were descending. Doing so, so you could be reunited at the bottom. Once you caught eye you flipped yourself over and landed on your feet.

Victor not wasting any time, as he already prepared another blast to unleash on the way down, released his fury. You jumped from the blast as he shot out the beam, but you couldn't help the fact that innocent bystanders were being hit by those powerful outbreaks of ki. Bodies could be stacking here.


The beam hit another section of the stands. You turned around to see the result of such an explosion.

Y/n: Oh jeez. Guh- Tch-

Victor leaped behind you, wrapping his arms around your neck again.

Victor: This is what's going to get you killed one day. Caring about others. It's a worthless trait. Who cares if someone dies? Or gets injured! It's all apart of the game. Either way... No warrior! Should feel mercy... for anyone! That's... only for the weak! Like your friends... and that brother of yours that I almost killed.

Engulfed in a moment of anger, you let him get it.

Y/n: Tch- HAA!

You looked back and elbowed him right in the nose, then sending out an explosion generated from the ki inside your body, blowing Victor away.

Y/n: HAAA!

You powered up even further, gathering energy for your upcoming attack.

Y/n: Raagh!

You dashed to him at immense speed, getting a gut punch.

Y/n: I'll show you weak. HA!

You jumped back and then forward, getting him with a hard punch. He flew. While air-born you followed him, waiting for him to turn and look behind, at the time he was facing the ground. Once he was facing you, you punched him as hard as you could in the face. His head being crushed into the concrete like yours was when he was slamming it down.

Y/n: Grr...

As you were pushing his face down, you left your self open to any attack. Letting Victor have an opportunity to counter.

Victor: Tch- Gaagh- HA!

He blasted you away with his open hands, causing you to fly off. He slowly recovered, but it proved to be a great disadvantage as you came storming down ready to continue.

Victor: HA!

Victor tried blasting you away by using his energy to send barrages of ki in your direction, but you simply repelled, dodged, or went straight through them.

Victor: Huh?


You got him with a big left hook, pushing him to the edge.

Victor: Damn-*coughs blood*... them all. Ugh.

Y/n: There we go.

You walked over to his location, in which he quickly got up to fight.

Y/n: HA!


You punched him squarely in the middle of his crossed arms, proceeding to hit him with a barrage of punches. As you hit him he went for a sweep using his right leg. As you fell he tried to get you with a superkick but missed due to you using your hands to flip away. He chased after you, trying to regain the advantage.

You flew back to go forward and deliver the punch.


Your fist met his, shock and electricity appearing. Following that, both of you went for the knee. Clashing again.


From there you pulled back for another knee.


And again.


And another time!


And a last time?

Y/n: HA!

Victor: Nope!

He teleported behind you, kicking you away.

Y/n: Hmph. Smart move. *teleports*

You went behind him, clashing forearms, like during the opening sequence of the fight.

Victor: Grr... Didn't think you'd last this long.

Y/n: Neither did I. HA!

Victor: HA!

(Big Impact!)

You punched each other in the face, simultaneously. Following that, you both fell on opposite sides of the ring.

Y/n:*pant* *pant* *pant*

Victor:*pant* *pant* *pant*, *gulp*, *pant*, Take THIS!

He shot out a medium-sized beam. You quickly got up.

Y/n: Here we GO!

Since the beams weren't big enough, there was no beam struggle. Your beam just canceled out his.

Victor: If I had more energy, you were done for.

Y/n: I doubt that.

Victor: Hmph... *looks around*

Without talking, you already knew what he was going to say. In a way, you could sense it.

Victor: How about we... go even further.

Y/n: Talk.

Victor: Screw this tournament, screw the rules... and screw these people!


He slowly raised his hand to his side.

Victor: Begone!



He shot a third section, but this time it was 100% on purpose.

Victor: Let's bring this fight to newer heights! Past this stupid ring!

Y/n: Uh...

You slowly turned around, having his back face you. Thinking about what to do next.

Y/n's mind: We shouldn't do this... but... these restrictions suck. I'm not able to fully fight.

You argued with your self for a while.

Y/n: Aw screw it! HYAA!

You quickly turned around, planting your hand onto the ground.

The edges of the ring started to glow blue, and the ground started to shake.


Pieces of the concrete started to rise up from the ground.

Y/n:*sigh* Let's do this. HA!