The slaveholder must be stronger!

When Ye Tian looked at the Spartan slaves, they also looked back at him calmly, with no anger, no cowardice, nor was there any numbness in their eyes.

"Are Spartans really as powerful as the legend?"

Ye Tian asked, with a trace of banter on the face: "But you all have been captured and became my slaves!"


Ye Tian's provocation had no effect, the Spartan slaves gave no reply.

The Spartans despised cultural education. It was enough for their teenagers only to read and write orders and notes. The Spartans demanded of their children to only speak words that were needed, concise and straightforward and developed a habit of silence from an early age.. So much so that they spoke like in the military order.


Ye Tian was helpless. He turned and went back for two swords and a shield. When returning, he directly split the shackles on one of them, and then threw a shield and a sword in front of the slave. This behavior surprised all the slaves.

The slave who was untied by Ye Tian moved his arms, the joints cracked. Whereafter, he picked up the shield and sword, and asked.

"You ... you aren't afraid of death?"

His voice was hoarse and the meaning was very concise.

"I don't want a piece of waste, even if it's a slave, I don't need a slave, I need a warrior.!"

Ye Tian waved the sword around in his hand and said lightly: "You have suffered so much before and are not at your best, so I will not use a shield. Kill me if you can, you can vent your hate that way; if you beat me, it means I can not rein over you and I'm not qualified to own you; By then I will liberate you and send you out of Rome! "

After speaking, Ye Tian took off the clothes on his body, exposing his bronze-colored upper body. The muscles were extremely well-balanced, and the muscle lines were distributed just right, full of tremendous and devastating power.

"Your body looks quite good!!"

The Spartan slave said in a low voice, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes, yet at the same time with a bit of caution.

The Spartan dared to say such words, because he had very strong self-confidence. But after Ye Tian lost his clothes, the Spartan felt a strong sense of oppression poured into his mind.

"Ok, let me see how powerful the Spartan warriors are!"

Ye Tian proudly said. The Spartans were nothing but proud and powerful warriors. If Ye Tian wanted to subdue them and make them completely swear allegiance to him, he must first crush them with strength, and then smash their pride.

Make them feel that he can completely rein above them both in strength and pride.


The Spartan slave moved, very fast, and the angle of his attack was very tricky. The shield completely blocked off Ye Tian's sight, which made him unable to see the angle of his forthcoming sword, therefore Ye Tian failed to predict and block it in advance.


However, it is obvious that such fighting techniques of this Spartan slave could not play much of a role in front of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's strength, physique and reaction speed should far surpass him. Ye Tian could completely overwhelm him in a contest of power, and suppress him violently. Ye Tian did not choose to defend with the sword in his hand, but violently attacked. His sword smashed onto the shield fiercely, making the shield crackle and a rift was cut out on it.

The Spartan slave felt his arms go numb, and was taken back a small step by the strong savage attack. His blood was rushing and he almost vomited. The Spartan's attack was interrupted naturally.

Horrified, the Spartan slave's eyes were full of fear. He did not expect Ye Tian's strength to be so tremendous.

"Can't even hold the shield?"

Ye Tian smiled amused, then jumped into the air, holding his sword with one hand, and prepared to slam down on the Spartan slave.


At that moment, the Spartan experienced an intense killing intent. His survival instinct naturally bursted out. He rolled around violently, and held the shield high above his head.


The sword smashed against the shield again. This time the strength split the shield directly in half and the Spartan slave was knocked back a couple steps.

All the Spartan slaves were horrified.The shield was not inferior quality, but type used by the regular army, and it looked brand new. However, it was directly broken in two by Ye Tian, with only two attacks. How terrible was Ye Tian's strength?

"Spartan warriors are nothing more than this, just crap!"

Ye Tian's purpose was not to kill these slaves, so he was not eager to attack, but stood still and continued to taunt them.


The Spartan slave was thoroughly stirred up by Ye Tian's words. He discarded the broken shield, and launched an all-out offensive against Ye Tian.The Spartan was looking death in the face, he gave up the defense directly in exchange for a comprehensive attack.

His momentum was tremendous, and his fighting skills were terrifying too. However Ye Tian was just too fast. When the Spartan began to swing his sword, Ye Tian had already moved, and avoided the blade, striking back.

"Puchi!"(The sound of a sword cutting through the skin)

The sharp sword edge cut through the Spartan's shoulders, and a stream of blood sprayed out.


Just when the Spartan slave wanted to turn around, Ye Tian kicked him straight to the ground, then stepped on his back, and using the sharp blade pointed at his neck.

"You have lost!"

Ye Tian said lightly.

"Kill me!"

The Spartan was defeated, and he looked a little lost, he said calmly.

"I beat you in a fair way. According to the rules of fighting, you are my trophy. Am I qualified to own you?"

Ye Tian asked lightly.

"Yes, you are!!"

The Spartan slave did not try to defend himself, saying quietly. Because this is war.

"Any of you, who still wish to fight with me?"

Ye Tian ignored the slave under his feet, but asked the remaining nine Spartan slaves calmly.

The first step to conquer the Spartan slave warriors was finished.

Now it would seem that if he wanted to completely subdue these Spartan slaves, as the slaveholder, he must be stronger!