Turn slaves into fierce beasts!

"Who else wants to fight?"

Ye Tian's voice was very calm, yet it had a kind of pride and dominance to it, outmatching the whole world.

His majesty directly surpassed the pride of the Spartan Warriors.

Because of how his strength crushed their warriors and their proudest bravery with a violent posture, in front of them Ye Tian was unbeatable.

The remaining nine Spartan slaves remained silent, as their fighting power and skills compared to the one who lost, were well-matched. Since Ye Tian could crush one of them, he could very well crush others naturally, so they did not further humiliate themselves by fighting further.

"By the way, do you want to continue fighting? On the battlefield!"

Seeing as no one dared to speak, Ye Tian knew that his first step was successful.

"As a gladiator?"

One of them asked, with self-deprecation in his eyes, and a trace of sorrow in its depths. Their pride in ighting was turned into skill to please the Romans.

"Not a gladiator, but a warrior! A slave warrior! My slave warrior!"

Ye Tian shook his head and said lightly.


There was a gleam of glory in the eyes of the Spartan slave soldiers.

Rather than being slaves on a farm or pleasing aristocrats in a colossal cage, they would prefer to be on the battlefield; although they were still slaves, they could live more dignified.

"Yes, as a soldier, not as cannon fodder. You will fight only for me, not for Rome!"

Ye Tian said calmly, making the light in the eyes of the ten Spartan slaves flash even more.

"Loyal to me, although you are still slaves, I will never transfer you! In addition, after you have participated in a battle and survived, I can return your last name so that you can use your original name and surname! "

Ye Tian continued to explain; after becoming slaves, their names and identities were all deprived, with only one code.

"Really !!?"

The ten slaves were excited. In Ye Tian's eyes, their loyalty has been transformed from a negative value to a positive value, and they were no longer hostile to Ye Tian.

"True or not, you can confirm it when you step onto the battlefield and survive in the future, because I can't prove what I said now, can I? But you should know what to do now?"

Ye Tian smiled, and said slowly, without explaining himself.

"I've met the master!"

"I've met the master!"


All the Spartan slaves looked at each other and made up their minds and hurriedly saluted to Ye Tian; their loyalty fetched 50 in an instant.

"only after your survival will you be eligible to use your name and your own identity to gain merits! Rome cannot record merits for you, but I can!"

"If you gain enough merits, in the first step I can take off the collars on your neck. Of course provided that you are still sufficiently loyal; in the second step, I can allow you to marry a wife; for the third step, continue to use your merits to change their last names; the fourth step is to take off your wife's collar for your loyalty and merit. "

"After completing the first four steps, you are beginning to be qualified to have your own child. However, before your child reaches the age of ten, you must build more merits and be more loyal to me so that I won't let your sons wear collars or put the mark of slavery on them! "

"It is said that though you can't get rid of slavery yourselves, as long as you are loyal to me and are willing to fight and kill the enemy to gain achievements, your second-generation son may become a civilian, and the third-generation offspring may Becoming citizens, your fourth generations may become nobles. Only if you fight hard enough will your family have a chance to illuminate the whole world ... "

Ye Tian's voice was low, but he had painted a huge blueprint for the ten Spartan slaves, opening a gap in their dying world, letting them see the future in the light of hope .

They showed excitement, shock, longing, firmness, even traces of tears with heavy breathing!

"Master, what if we died unfortunately while we have children?"

One of them suppressed his inner excitement and asked Ye Tian with a trembling voice. The reproduction of offspring is a biological instinct, and human beings care more about the inheritance of their blood.

It was impossible for a slave to marry a wife and have a child, but Ye Tian, the young slave owner, promised them and their offspring, that they can not only get rid of the slave status but also live an upright life.

"If you died unfortunately, I regret that your children will continue to be slaves, but we will train them to become more powerful fighters, and all of your merits will be blessed by them. They will continue to fulfill your mission. As long as you have children, your bloodline and surname will be continued ... "

Ye Tian said slowly, magnifying their hope infinitely.

It is conceivable that when the slave soldiers fight for their offspring and the continuation of their blood, whatever horrors be there on the battlefield, they would absolutely fight as fierce as a tiger or a wolf, they will be transformed into the fiercest tiger and wolf Division.

Ye Tian planned this policy long ago, but what he didn't expect was, when the trial was actually carried out, what a terrible army he would build.

'The policy of turning slaves into ferocious beasts! '

This is the evaluation of the future historian on the management policy of the slave army!

Of course, these are the last words.