The slaves with Killing intent

The Sparta slave warriors were filled with hope. Especially today, Ye Tian was shouting Sparta in front of them!

That was an honor, it was a recognition!

Thus, they were especially energetic today. After they had eaten enough in the evening, they still continued to be busy building the training grounds even if there weren't any one to urge them.

Eating enough!

Yes, not only they could eat enough, but also the food quality Ye Tian provided them was quite good. Every meal had meat and meat soup. Although there wasn' t much, it was definitely something every slave dreamed of.

No one knew how many slaves were eating the scraps every day, and even couldn' t eat their fill. Moreover, even before they were slaves, they were still unable to eat the meat every day.

They once suspected that they were now living as slaves? This's simply living in heaven.

They naturally didn' t know what Ye Tian was thinking. Ye Tian wanted to train them to become the most powerful slave army. If they couldn't eat their fill and couldn't eat well, how could they work hard to kill enemies on the battlefield for him; how could they establish unmatched merits for him; and how could they protect the various large-scale projects that Ye Tian would build soon, or the benefits? In the future, how could they help him intimidate the Romans and repealing the Senate; how could they establish an unmatched empire for him?

Late at night, Ye Tian and Angela (body) were intertwined together, and they took a long time to fall asleep.

The next day, Ye Tian got up early to begin his morning practice, practicing the movement and sword arts.

"Master, there are a group of people outside. They say they came from the Pompey family, and brought a lot of slaves at the same time..."

Diana walked to Ye Tian's side and respectfully said to him.

As she looked at Ye Tian's bronze skin, her eyes were filled with obsession. She naturally knew what kind of terrifying power this body contained.

Because she had received his nourishment yesterday, she now became even more beautiful and moving.

As for Daisy and Diana, they still had to lie down today, at least a few days without being able to move freely.

"Help me get some pots of water, let me see them first!"

Ye Tian casually took a towel and wiped the sweat off his body. He tossed it to her and walked out.

Looking at Ye Tian's departing figure, Diana held the towel and placed it at the tip of her nose. An intoxicated expression appeared on her face.

Arriving at the gate, ten of the Pompey family's guards and twenty strong Spartan slaves were already standing there.

" Killing intent !!!"

When Ye Tian approached them, he felt a strong killing intent. Furthermore, it was aimed at him.

"This killing intent actually came from these Sparta slaves! These slaves want to kill me?"

Checking the loyalty point of everyone in front of him, Ye Tian instantly knew where the killing intent came from.

"No, I have no enmity with these slave warriors. Even if I am their future master, they wouldn' t have such a great killing intent towards me. So the one who wants to kill me is definitely Pompey!"

Without even thinking about it, Ye Tian could even know who wanted to kill him!

It was definitely Pompey. But he just didn' t know what kind of benefits Pompey had given these slaves, that it caused them to have such dense killing intent towards him.

"Lord Satan, we've followed Young Master Pompey's command to bring you these Spartan slaves. We've delivered them to you now. This is the key of their anklet. We're going to return and reply to our master."

A young guard walked over to Ye Tian and said indifferently. Then, he handed these keys to Ye Tian, his eyes filled with pity to him.


Seeing that the guard turned around, Ye Tian stopped him. But that person couldn' t be bothered to pay any attention to Ye Tian. As if he didn' t take Ye Tian, the dying people in his eyes.

"Did your Young Master Pompey not tell you that I' m already a noble?"

Ye Tian sneered, making that person's body tremble slightly.The pupils of all the Spartans' slaves shrank slightly, and coldness flashed in their eyes.

"May I ask if you have any instructions?"

After Ye Tian revealed his identity, the guard immediately cowered, his tone carrying a trace of respect.

"come here!"

Ye Tian smiled and was very calm.

"Do you know? The status of the noble is truly too useful!"

After that guard arrived in front of Ye Tian, Ye Tian said indifferently. Then, Ye Tian took action and grabbed that guard's neck. He fiercely raised the knee and ruthlessly smashed into that guard's face.


One could imagine Ye Tian's strength. He suddenly attacked, that person's blood sprayed out immediately and even his nose collapsed, the teeth also fell off.


The guard covered the face and screamed miserably.





But Ye Tian still didn' t have the intention to let him go. He began to slap that guard's face, causing him to freeze in place, the eyes appeared with stars and the ears buzzed.


In the end, Ye Tian sent him flying with a kick, and he directly fainted.

"You may not respect me, but you must respect my identity! Go back and tell your master Pompey , Since he doesn' t know how to raise the dog, I don' t mind teaching him!"

Ye Tian took out a handkerchief and gently wiped away the bloodstains on his hand as he spoke to the other guards that were already scared silly.

Provoking and humiliating Pompey !

Ye Tian's meaning was very clear.


The other guards were all terrified. They couldn' t help but swallow their saliva and didn' t know how to respond.

"Also, what about the gold coins your young master owes me?"

Ye Tian calmly asked.

"Honorable Lord ... our master... is preparing ..."

A guard summoned up his courage and respectfully replied to Ye Tian. However, his voice stuttered and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He had to, because Ye Tian was too brutal. Ye Tian gave his companions a violent beating and crippled him directly. They all heard the sound of his bones breaking with Ye Tian's kick just now.

If Ye Tian wasn' t satisfied with his answer and found fault to fix him, he didn' t even dare to retaliate. Because Ye Tian was a noble.

Since Ye Tian dared to beat them up, it meant that Ye Tian was absolutely not afraid of their young master.

"Go with this rubbish! Also tell your young master, these slaves are really good, I like them!"

Ye Tian said coldly, causing the rest of nine people to quickly drag that unconscious guy away and didn't dare to stay here for any long time.

In the end, Ye Tian's gaze slowly landed on these Sparta slave warriors.