Slaves’ Rebel , Suppressed  by Oneself!

"Raise your arms!"

Ye Tian said to these Spartan slaves.

"clang clang clang ..."

The twenty slave warriors all raised their arms, the iron chains on their arms clattered.

Ye Tian looked from a distance and didn't find any problem with these iron chains, he could not help frowning.

"Use all your strength to pull your iron chains!"

Ye Tian once again ordered. Since these slaves wanted to kill him, these iron chains must have the problem. Or their body might hide the key that can open their cuffs and fetters.

This was his judgment and guess.

"Clang Clang Clang..."


When these iron chains were strained, they made even louder sounds. Meaning that these iron chains weren't any problems and they all were made of real material.

So their body should have hidden the key.

"come here, you!"

Ye Tian pointed at one of the slaves in the front row and ordered coldly.

Ye Tian's tone was quite calm, but these Sparta slaves' hearts were quite turbulent instead.

They discovered that Ye Tian seemed to have sensed that something was wrong with them. Otherwise, this young slaveholder was too cautious.


Ye Tian's voice became heavier.

After a moment of hesitation, the person who had been pointed by Ye Tian slowly paced towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian could see the nervousness in his eyes.

"What are you afraid of?"

Ye Tian smiled calm, and when he came in front of Ye Tian, Ye Tian directly grabbed his arm.

Ye Tian clearly felt the tensed muscle on his arm, but this slave quickly forced his muscle to relax.

Ye Tian didn't say anything, also didn't dislike and avoid his dirty, but instead sent hands towards his hair directly.

Ye Tian 's actions made all the Spartan slaves' faces suddenly change, extremely tense and horrified, they knew that the thing, the secret that they tried so hard to keep was going to be exposed.

"There really is a key!"

Ye Tian's voice sounded, he had touched a hard thing and took a look, it's true that there was really the key.


The slave warrior who had taken out the key by Ye Tian suddenly shouted, he hurriedly pulled Ye Tian's arm away and intended to control him.

"Clang Clang Clang ..."

All of the slaves immediately raised their hands and moved towards their heads.

"Kill me !!! you must have the ability first !!"

Ye Tian arrogantly said. Next instant, he immediately raised his arms, and using his elbow hit toward this slave's face who planned to hug him.


The Spartan slave's face directly squirted the blood, and the severe pain made him almost unconscious.


Next, Ye Tian lifted the leg and kicked him in the air.


After kicking the Spartan slave away, instead of running away, Ye Tian just rushed towards the nineteen Spartan slave warriors , just like a cheetah.

If they had untied their iron chains, Ye Tian would not dare.

However, he would definitely dare to fight head-on with twenty restricted Sparta slave warriors.

"Hurry up!"

Seeing that Ye Tian did not run away, but rushed towards them. These Sparta slave warriors could not help but have a trace of admiration for him. if it was other slaveholders or Patricians, they would have already run away and called the guards to suppress them.

But at the same time, Ye Tian's reaction made them even more worried. Ye Tian took the initiative to counterattack, making their time extremely tight. So one of the slaves roared and rushed towards Ye Tian, intending to bring Ye Tian to the ground and buy time for his companions.

However, he still underestimated Ye Tian's speed and reaction. Ye Tian slightly squatted down. When he pounced in front of Ye Tian, Ye Tian directly picked the slave up and ruthlessly throwed him towards those slaves who gathered together.


Those eighteen slaves were too crowded, and most of them directly fell down because of Ye Tian's attack. Only eight or nine were still standing, but their movement of opening the iron chain was also interrupted.

Every one of them was horrified. How could there be such a berserk slaveholder? He could almost be said to be a crazy big brown bear.

Ye Tian didn' t stop. He came next to the fallen Spartan slaves and bent down to grab the ankle of one of them. He swung him up and turned around, then continued to throw him towards the remaining Spartan slaves.

Ye Tian did not keep any mercy. The hit this time, if this slave didn't hit anyone , he would definitely had broken his arm and leg. If unfortunate, maybe he would have even broken his neck.


The Spartans couldn' t just watch as their companions sank into extreme danger. They took the initiative to meet him, using their own body to block their companions who were throwed flying.


Another large number of people fell, leaving only three people standing.




The three of them roared and resolutely rushed head-on.


Ye Tian also roared, blasting his fist.

"Wow Wow Wow ..."

The rushing up Spartan warrior raised the iron chain in his hand to block Ye Tian 's fist, but he didn't expect that Ye Tian 's strength was too great. The handcuffs peeled a piece of skin on his arm, then he was hit to fly directly by this powerful strength.

Ye Tian 's fist also bled, but the dripping blood made him turn to more violence. A powerful sense of pressure emanated from his body, shocking the other two slaves to be distracted.


They turned into distracted, but Ye Tian did not. He stretched out his arms, grabbed their necks, and then caused their heads to collide with each other. Immediately, their eyes rolled upwards, and almost fainted.

Under Ye Tian's violent play, in less than a minute, all twenty of them were hit down, Ye Tian stood there proudly.

"Get up, fight again! sons of the bitchs, only with you guys, and even dare to kill me?"

Ye Tian pulled off his coat and shouted.




Before they could stand up again, Ye Tian directly kicked every one of them again. The terrible strength made their body slide back three meters away. They were really unable to stand up again this time, but could only cover the chests with their hands. The mouths dripped with blood, they had lost the fighting power.

" Pompey ! It was a good conspiracy. If I'm incapable a bit, I will really enter your plot! But just because of this, the things have become fun!"

Ye Tian smiled coldly, a hint of ruthlessness flashing through his eyes.

He didn' t hate Pompey, but was even more vigilant of him. After all, he wanted to suffocate Pompey to die at first, and Pompey was only fighting back.

However, now their relationship was worsening and one of them was bound to die. If given the chance, Ye Tian would also kill him.

"I really underestimated him!"

Ye Tian quickly calmed down, and he couldn' t help but raise a trace of admiration to Pompey. This person,Pompey, was really good at plotting. If it was anyone else, who would definitely die this time.

Think about it,these Sparta slaves all had keys. If anyone were careless a bit, or wanted to reduce the trouble and didn't choose to change their shackles, they would definitely be caught off guard by them.If they were unlucky, they would really be killed by these Sparta slaves. Because no one could expect that when these slaves rebelled.

Moreover, Pompey can put off the responsibility completely, and won't be implicated at all.