Not Again

The company's annual dinner was weighing in on me with a lot of anxiety. Someone would think that being the CEO of a company guarantees some quality time but look at me, I've been stuck in my study for a week preparing, making calls here and there. I had to prepare well.

This dinner was the only time I would have to face everyone and explain the reports. Sometimes I wished I could pretend to be sick so as to have my secretary or Ryan give the briefings but we all can't have what we wish, can we? Besides this year, I had a lot of explaining to do, lucky me.

I also had to get it over and done with so that I could focus on Mauritius and Tyler before Jay started messing up my not so perfect life. Day in day out I stayed in my office going over the reports, making sure they were okay, making sure my team was doing it right, making sure there was nothing amiss.

I think I lost a lot of weight during that week but this had to be done. I had to handle this before shit hit the fan.

It's been one week. A week since I last spent some quality time with the love of my life, since I got to make her feel pretty since I took her out for a beautiful date. A week since Ryan moved in with us. It's all been just late nights.

Every time I got home, the duo was already asleep and I would leave before they woke so as to avoid disturbing them. But it was going to be okay.

Ryan had offered to help till late at night but I couldn't do that to him, and I knew he wouldn't leave me alone. I did the only thing that would give him purpose during the time I sent him home. I told him to look after Lia and he was glad to.


Today was the anniversary dinner for my company. I had been preparing for this for some time now, and everything was in order except that there was the possibility of one of Jay's men gracing me with their presence, something I had already prepared for.

But no amount of preparation would bring me peace until I paid off my debts, maybe then I will be able to sit with Jay and laugh over my miserable life. It was almost six o'clock and all I had to do was go home, take a long shower then head to the event.

My driver would be here any minute and Lia, well she would be attending too along with Ryan, Lexi, mama, papa, and everyone. That meant papa and mama would also be here to give me their support. And I was glad and happy.

When I got home, Lia and Ryan were running around, as usual. I tried to sneak into the house and head for my bedroom. I was too tired to join in their games.

Someone would even think I adopted two grown-ass children with jobs. But maybe all the house needed was some people running around, children.

Perhaps someday when my stubborn self would be ready to have children I'd propose to the love of my life and until then, all I had to do was find my way in the house without encountering either of the shameless duos though a kiss would do just fine.

Not from Ryan though.

Well, I was almost successful until I was suddenly covered in a mixture of flour and eggs.

This wasn't happening again.

Not that I wasn't expecting it but I was just too damn tired. I was okay with the duo killing each other, not. Today, I was just too exhausted. Their fights continued as they did not realize I had been hit.

I tried being so serious, but with your favorite people covered in heaven knows what mix of kitchen supplies given what they had been doing in the kitchen, it is hard. Really hard I tell you. But so was my life.

We were running out of time and had to get ready fast. So I did the only thing that came into my mind. Had my lighter on and directed it to the smoke sensors so the sprinklers would ensure water everywhere.

And it worked, Yaasss.

Since they were in the kitchen, they thought the food was burning up and got back. Only then did I finally get to my room.

"Hey, grandpa. Look what you did. Now the whole house is wet and masters grumpy will kill us."

"You really are something else Lee, there was no fire and the house is wet. Come to think of it. Either karma is bitching around already, or there is someone else in the house."

"But how could someone get in the house with us here?? This is all your fault."

"And how is it my fault miss grouchy?"

"Oh, you did not just go there. You're so mean.. sniffle" prrrfffft idiots, that served them right.

I smiled victoriously to the shower. I would just have them prepare later since they could even come later, unlike me who had to make sure the security was tight.

Someone would think that I was overworking myself and that Ryan would be of great help. But he was already helping me in distracting Lia. I did not want her in any danger, and Ryan had promised she would be safe.

I trusted him with her life, so yeah, he was just helping as much. And when he wasn't playing around, he was helping me with some paperwork in my study and tracing Tyler.

There was just a lot on both our plates right that moment but we have lives to live too.

"C'mon honey, you are so pretty, marry me, please?"

"Yes, I will marry you, grandpa."

I was fine with their bickering until they wanted to marry each other. And she said yes??!!. Just like that? It was not what she said that got me out of the shower but how she said it. That got me out of the showers.

I literally found my way down the stairs and into the kitchen still covered in soap and proudly naked might I add.

I swear if there were other people living with us or even servants, they would have one blind already. It's even a good thing that our cleaner was on leave.

I wouldn't want the poor woman going crazy.