Of a Goddess

There's something that I've never understood when it comes to women, I mean they take too long to dress up. unlike us men, all we have to do is pick the nearest clothing and I'm good to go. Seems like the mystery that accompanied women would not be unraveled any time soon.

While Lia was in her dressing room, Ryan and I were ready and all we had to do was wait for my princess.

Ninety agonizing minutes later, I was ready, Ryan was ready, we both had played five video games, got my ass beaten in two games which was something new. I'm a pro at gaming and Ryan was no match for me, but today, there was just too much to think of between the game, the dinner, the debts I owed, and the devilishly hot woman upstairs.

I think its safe to say I was indisposed for a while which earned me the beating. A beating which I knew I'd never get to hear the end of.

See the thing is Ryan was never going to let his triumph over me go, not when it would earn him 'bonus points' with the ladies. Oh well, that was my best friend for you.

Anyways my love wasn't ready yet, I wonder what else she was doing since she was beauty personalized.

"Hey my love, you ready yet?" I shouted from the living room, but as usual, my woman was feisty, a trait that always had me smiling randomly like an idiot literally everywhere.

"If you push that door, I swear I will stuff the showerhead in your mouth, but I really love that shower head."

Wait what? Showerheads? My baby loved lower heads?

This naughty little woman was going to be the death of me no doubt. I was going to remove those showerheads in the house after dinner because there's no way I was going to share my woman with showerheads.

And as if reading my mind I heard her shout again, amused.

"Oh, and you won't be removing any because if you do, Mmmmmh let's see, I will lock you in the storage room and go to dinner with grandpa."

"That sounds awesome Lee," added Ryan.

"Shut up!" said Lia and I, damn that was cool.

I could hear Ryan grumble about us being the meanest couple ever as Lia said she would be out in ten minutes.

True to her word, she was out in ten but damn, she was perfect, so perfect I could already imagine taking her back to bed and stripping her up.

Her hair was left free, which brought out her features so perfectly. Her dangerously full lips had my insides burning with desire, and that red dress, damn.

Oh man, I felt so weak then.

That was my woman, Mine.

Could I just postpone the dinner to tomorrow? I mean I'm the CEO after all and I could ravish my woman or maybe Ryan could take over there while I work, on her, my woman.

"Hey, hey, yoh, focus dude, no dinner is being postponed today, besides I'm getting myself laid tonight, so move!" I was snapped out of my trance by Ryan and a smirking Lia beside him.

This woman will be the death of me. Oh no! I take it I spoke my thoughts out loud then. I subconsciously facepalmed when I realized what I had done.

As we headed to the car, I couldn't help but feel possessive of Lia. Not that I don't trust Ryan or Lia but she was mine, mine to look at, mine to admire, mine to eat, mine. That round beautiful ass was mine to touch and just the thought of my hands there had me hard already. And her peaks, sweet Zeus, she could be my last meal of the day and I can swear on the heavens I would never complain.

Tonight was definitely going to be a long night.

As I opened the back door for her, it was obvious, she knew what she was doing, and Ryan did not complain this time. I'm assuming he did not want to be the third wheel anymore. He preferred making small talk with the driver while they listened to the stereo. We were listening too, a little occupied but listening.

"You look yummy today."

"And you would definitely look better without that dress on"

"Will you two just stop? You make me wanna puke aye," Ryan complained.

And so we stopped talking.

We really stopped talking, but only because lips were busy mating one another. That which had started with tiny stolen kisses got heated by the moment but she had to stop us.

My control was gone, but it's a good thing she had some because we would have had to go back home to dress up, again.

"Sir, we are almost there." My driver amusedly piped out of nowhere, this was definitely Ryan's doing.

"Thank you, and please tell Ryan to be naughty for himself," I laughed as he did too.

Subconsciously drawing circled on Lia's hand, I thought about the possible things that would happen tonight. Tonight. Tonight was going to be hell and I couldn't help but feel anxious. I had so much to worry about Jay, and he would definitely send some of his men tonight.

I knew if I were in his shoes, I would definitely use that strategy. It always sent messages more directly. I was just hoping they would do nothing stupid because that was something I was not ready for because I sure as hell was going to be helpless against them, especially when my Lia was also involved.

What if they came today and ruined the party for me? What if they messed my plans tonight? What if? So many what-ifs and nothing sure yet, except for my love for Lia.

"Hey face-suckers, we are here," an excited Ryan beamed.

I could sense his worry even though he seemed excited for tonight. But I understood him. I knew he was thinking about what I was when he nodded at me after we got out of the car. May the heavens protect us tonight, I silently prayed. This would be the night of so many uncertainties, I couldn't wait for it to end, but it hadn't even started, yet.

I helped Lia out and we went to greet the visitors who had already arrived. I could feel the eyes of men on us, specifically on her. They really need to know their place here, my woman was mine. Just mine.

My twin, Lexi was here and she was stunning, as always, but not as Lia, man I sound so whipped. Mama and Papa were also here already, great, now because of these two idiots, I would be scolded by mama.

My mama is the type of woman who will call you out on your mistakes and boy there is nothing you can do about it save for doing the right thing. She was fire, she was ice and she was definitely the definition between the thin ice lines. And most importantly, she was my mother and I loved her.

With my family and loved ones here, everything was perfect and I couldn't have it any other way except for the underlying dread in my stomach, but I decided to ignore it, for now. When I introduced Lia to my family, she seemed so free with them including my father. It seemed as though they had known each other for a very long time, something I had no expectations of at all, but it was good.

This meant they would get along well. So I left them to go catch up with the other guests as the party was very big.

Everything was perfect. It was all going on well today and I was proud of my team. Everything had been in order, something I was internally grateful for. Plus I got no scolding today.

Beautiful evening indeed I just hoped nothing would go wrong.
