The Mission

Looking through these files made me sick.

Nothing was concrete yet and time was already threatening to run out on us. I needed something that would help me nab the bastard and these files were definitely not it.

Despite the research the huge man had prepared for us, this was still inadequate. He did his job though. As we kept going through the files in that folder, one particular file caught my eye.

This file stated that Tyler had earned himself some strong enemies while he lived here and that they wanted him dead. This was definitely something I would use. Given my man-power here was limited, I was going to have to consider meeting one of these gangs, especially the Matsumoto gang.

This gang in particular wanted Tyler's limbs for payment of his cons. Now, this was something I was definitely exploiting. Handing Ryan the file, he couldn't agree more with me.

Now that we got something from the folder, we could get some rest after telling the huge man to organize a meeting with the Matsumoto gang leader.

It was time.


It had been 2 days since I got the crucial information I needed about getting to Tyler and 3 days since we left home. I must say it was bothering me at first but seeing as I didn't have much of a viable option, I had to use whatever I had.

Saul and Ryan helped me trace Muchara, the gang leader of the Matsumoto gang. It was not easy but we did it and made plans on what to do. I realized that this guy was easier to work with, this meant that I would go home soon enough before Lia started suspecting shit.

We'd agreed on meeting today to go after Tyler. The last that was heard of him was at the borders, he was planning on leaving the country, apparently again since that was all he ever did. It seemed like he was waiting for something important before he left.

My only hope was to get to him before he left. It did not matter whether or not he had the money because having him meant that his loyalists would have to get his out whichever way. And if they did not, I would have to traffic his useless body parts to get the money I needed.

I thought darkly.

While we were getting ready for what would probably be a dangerous mission, miss beautiful called. She had been checking on me frequently, and while it was nice to know someone cared for me, it sometimes pissed me off.

Her constant calling sometimes drove me over the edge and more often than once, I hung up with the excuse of poor network. It was already bad enough that this was dangerous and I also could not risk anyone other than Ryan knowing about the woman of my life because they would definitely use that against me.

A few minutes into the call, Muchara told me they were set and that we had to leave immediately. For the first time in the three days she had called, I told miss beautiful that things were not going well but that was just about it aside from exchanging I love yous.

I took my gear and headed out with the others. A ew minutes later Saul pressed the trigger button for the time bombs we had surrounded the warehouse with.I was going to miss this darn warehouse, I knew that much when we got into the truck ready to be harassed by the hot weather in this country.

As the warehouse blew up, I couldn't help but study the interior of this truck. It was beautiful, very beautiful. For a moment, it felt like home. It had comfy seats in it, very nice comfy seats, it also had two windows and an air conditioner. This was heaven.

I did not expect such class from a truck that seemed old and rusty from the outside. Muchara stared at me amusingly and obviously, my star-struck features made him smile. I swear the guy smiled.

For a guy who never smiled through the little time we had known each other, it was kind of creepy in a way. Apparently, Ryan was also sharing the same facials as me, so I nudged him and pointed toward Muchara while making signs. But my idiot of a best friend did not understand anything, instead, he concluded that Muchara was in love with me and that he was jealous of Ryan sitting beside me.

It also didn't help that Ryan never knew the importance of whispering.

A throat cleared, stopping us from our insane argument. Looking up, Muchara was so close, very close to both of us. A few more inches and our heads would be touching.

The proximity did not seem to bother him because he was still unfazed by our widened eyes, instead, he whispered, "you might want to tone down and save some energy for later, we still got four more hours on the road."

Alright, this guy was growing creepier.

So I decided to give Ryan a lesson on whispering.

"Hey buddy, you know whispering means talking in hushed tones aye."

"Why would someone want to do that?"

"Because it is important asshole, especially for this mission."

"Whispering when bullets will be flying around?" he sheepishly asked and I facepalmed. This was not going to be easy.

We continued the useless conversation until he began asking even more stupid questions. But at least this time he was whispering, and his new talent would definitely mean we were about to do some major gossiping.

I was excited, after all, we still had two hours to go.
