
"I'm a charmer of women, I don't even know how you get laid"

"maybe because I am a sexy beast as the ladies put it"

"you wish. I'm the prettiest of the both of us"

"seriously? You comparing my manhood to prettiness? If you had said hot I'd agree, im definitely not pretty"

"aww, is the big bad Alex scared of being pretty?"

"absolutely, especially when you of all the people are calling me that. Hey, look at Muchara. He seems to be sleeping peacefully while I cant even sleep. This is not fair"

"maybe because you have refused to join me in being pretty even though we both know I'll win definitely"

"oh c'mon. by the way, you remember that time when Muchara came to tell us to tone down, I noticed he was looking at you. Maybe he likes you." At saying that, Saul snickered. That was the first sound he made since he blew up the warehouse. It was nice to know the tension was reducing in here. A few minutes later, the lot of us who were at the back of the truck were in a heated conversation about who was the hottest between me and Ryan.

I'm not even going to say how we got there because obviously, my best friend is crazy. Eventually, the argument was finished by agreeing that Ryan was hotter, but only because he promised them food if we got out of here alive. Men and food, a bad combination.

When we almost got to the border, we got out because we had reached our destination. I was not surprised that there was a huge forest cover and that the border patrols were on the other side of the forest. This forest was big enough and it would definitely provide Tyler and his people the cover they needed.

The man-power we had was quite enough considering Muchara had also come with his people. Pulling out our guns, knives, and the other sets of weaponry we had, we were ready to face anything. We stepped into the forest and divided ourselves and even agreed to communicate with each other should either of us spot Tyler.

It was silent.

The forest was way too silent for its size, or maybe it was just me being careful. Even then, there should have been activities, like the birds singing, crying, or whatever it was that the birds did in the mid-afternoon.

With Ryan by my side and some of Muchara's men, we carefully made our way into the forest. Muchara had another team with him along with Saul and some of the gang Saul had managed to recruit while here. This way nobody would play the other because we both had people from either side.

As we continued looking around for Tyler, I felt like something was not adding up. I tried telling Ryan but he insisted that everything was okay and that we had to do this to protect Lia and the people we cared so much about. This was the only way we could clear out debt to Jay. With my insistence, Ryan promised to be on the lookout and take care of himself, something I made him do. My guts were never wrong, but for the first time in a long time, I was praying for them to be wrong.


Lexi p.o.v.

The first few days were good and nice to say the least. We actually did have fun and do crazy things together until suddenly Lia started going out. She did this a lot and I was suspicious at first but I let her be, after all, I understood how possessive and protective my brother was over her.

She went out daily after work, and on some occasions, she claimed it was work-related meetings but the times she would get hoe were insane. I was tempted to call my brother and inform him of his woman's behaviors but I did not want to be the pain in the ass in the family, so I let her be.

I understood her meetings because the company was huge and had to run even with the CEO being away for a while, but I didn't realize that his assistant would be the one doing most of the things. It was insane really. That I knew because despite my brother being annoying, he always had no time for screw-ups whenever it came to his company. Still sounds strange saying that but I could get used to it.

I was okay with her going out, the problem was that she came home late around midnight daily. I am not a snitch, but I knew that if Alex found out, he would get mad at her and even do something that they both would regret.