Hello Hell

Alex p.o.v

The heavens are so nice.

The battery died before the confession and I couldn't have been happier. It was obvious we were both tired and the conversation Ryan was having was somewhat tense but I didn't want to intrude. It was almost midnight.

The night was going so slowly someone would think it didn't wasn't to exit. So we had to take turns watching out for the other. I took the first watch, and boy did the asshole next to me snore like a pig. I wonder how he slept with that many women when he sounded like this t night.

After taking turns to watch over us, the morning finally came. It felt like forever since I last saw the sun. Without any direction, Ryan and I blindly followed what we thought would take us to the border.

Fortunately for us, we ran into a family that showed us where the buses that came around stopped at. They were nice enough to give us bus fare, bless their souls. This was the only good thing that came out of this goddarn country.

We took the bus and headed for the city while ignoring the painful fact that the heat was probably going to melt us before we reached the city. The only thing on my mind was getting out of here because Tyler evidently had either went into hiding or left the country but that was something that I would deal with later.

Lexi p.o.v.

Time and again my brother's princess kept going out alone.

After I had seen her once, she had been very careful with everything she did whenever she went out. Alex was coming tomorrow and I had to talk to Lia so that she could not think ill of me, not that I really cared anyway, but I was going to do this for my brother's sake.

Today I was going to confront her and it was her choice whether to lie to e or give it to me straight.

"Hey princess, we need to talk."

"Can we do that later, I kinda have some important meeting to attend now?"

"I followed you and you know I did but you somehow found your way home before me. What is going on with you? My brother is coming home tomorrow and I would really like for you guys to be okay because I ain't no snitch but I ain't lying to my baby bro either. So spill."

For a quick second, I saw Lia change from surprised to extremely angry then back to normal and that is when I knew I had hit a nerve. But I wasn't going to back down. It was obvious she was going to fabricate a lie, but I hoped for her sake that I believed her because something was definitely amiss here.

"I was looking for my family. As you know I know nothing about their whereabouts and it is important for me to know."

"You could've just said, I could've helped you instead of you leaving every night."

"That's the thing, I want to do this on my own so please don't tell Alex. I need to be sure before anything else."

"Alright then girl, be careful, but you owe me."

"Thank you, I'll see you later."

For some reason I believed her but for that very reason I knew she was still hiding something and I knew better than to pry because she was my brother's load after all.

I understood how she felt because once upon a time I had t watch my Mia go through that and it hurt that she didn't want me involved. I'm thankful it worked out for her because I could've moved mountains just to see her smile again.

I did not want my brother to be hurt with all the crap he already had with Tyler in Mauritius. These stupid secrets would be the end of me, I thought to myself as I went to Mia.

Alex p.o.v.

On reaching the city, we had nothing.

Literally, because the stupid vehicle we had boarded into the frost belonged to Muchara and the bastard betrayed me. It was only then that I went to the bank to renew my credit cards to enable us at least check in to one of the prestigious hotels where we could take decent baths and get us some nice clothing.

I had been too preoccupied with everything to even remember that I had left Lia and that I had promised to call her more often. How was I supposed to pull something that wouldn't make her mad at me?

My best friend as always was clueless because when I asked him, he looked at me like he was a fish drowning in water. Bastard.

It took us two more days to get things in order and get ready to get the hell out of the scorned country. Life was looking at me through rough windows and nothing was going to make Mauritius any better.

The experience there was bad enough to want me to forget everything about the country.

We had lost track of Tyler, and some douche decided to send me threats with Lia's picture I the background and that was something that made me want to kill Jay myself.

There were even attachments and videos of Lia and Lexi. This was something I could not take lightly. I would pay my debts eventually and that would save me a murder charge because with everything that was going on I was probably headed in the direction of the prison.

Darn it.

To make matters worse, Lia had apparently been claiming but I would deal with her later. The flight back home was enough for me to ponder over my possible excuses.

Forty-five minutes was all I needed.