Well Fuck me


Almost six weeks had passed since I paid Alex and Ryan a visit and until now there were no deposits made. The boss was not happy either and that meant we would suffer if we failed to do what we had been assigned to do.

I had run some background check on the duo and I found out he had a girlfriend named Lia. Initially, I had thought of using Lia to set an example for them, but where would the fun be in that? In my check, I had also found out that Lia had a friend jenny, who was unknown to Alex, Ryan and even that twin sister of his, Lexi.

This was interesting because I did not understand why she would keep her friend away from her boyfriend. Or was this relationship full of secrets?

I did not understand why she did that considering she was in bed with the devil herself, unless she never wanted her devil to know of her friend because he could have pinned her down with that, or better yet, Alex did not tell her of the double life he lived, what a coward. Anyway the assumptions would not get me anywhere, it was time I acted. I would take jenny away and watch Lia crack.

Her cracking also meant that Alex would crack and pay up and the boss would be impressed with me.

This plan was brilliant and it was time I had some fun.

Lia p.o.v.

I hated Mondays, I wonder who loved Mondays because they were always hell.

Despite being the woman of the boss, I did not want my work to interfere with my personal life no matter how connected they were. Today I had to prepare some papers for Alex so I got up early because I knew how important it was for him.

He and Ryan had been irritable from their trip to visit their friend, and since they never talked about him, I assumed he died because there was no other reason for them to be assholes, moody assholes to everyone.

I understood them though because I knew what it felt like to lose people who were like family. It always left a person broken, way too broken and recuperating would take a while but it wouldn't take long if you talked to someone.

I just hoped he would talk to me. I would give anything just to see him happy again, I missed my Alex before he left for the trip, but I also knew I had to let him grieve, he would talk to e whenever he wished to and I wouldn't push him.

He had promised he would come back in three days but it took them seven days to come home, but I understood that too. Call me trusting but that was something the relationship needed especially with my man being too unbelievably hot and extremely illegal for life.

When I left home, I had already prepared breakfast for them and left a note for him telling him I would be in the office preparing his papers since he was gone for a week.

I still hated Mondays and nothing would change that.

I was going about my work when my personal cell rang, which was weird since nobody ever called me except for Alex, Mia, Lexi and Ryan considering I had no family that I'd ever run to anyways, it was always them and for that I was thankful.

What the caller said got me in shock and I knew that the time had come, but I was not even prepared, this was going to be the death of me and it was official, I hated Mondays with a passion.

"We have Jenny. Her ransom is the amount her life is worth to you. You have a week to pay her worth or we'll be sending her body parts in bits, which I'll definitely enjoy because of her fucking smart mouth. I'll send you the drop point. Remember you have a week."

What was I going to do?

This was so bad, very bad and before I even replied, he ended the call. There was no way I was going to get a trace on that plus ii didn't even have enough time to work with.

How the fuck was I supposed to make an estimate for the life of my Jenny? And how the fuck was I supposed to save her without being exposed? I was going to kill them without a second thought if they so much as harmed her and it didn't matter if my secret was out or not because I, was going to fuck them up.

Thinking of a way without screwing up was hard so I considered calling Alex, maybe he could help me and save the bloodbath was bound if my Jenny was harmed.

Composing myself, I called Alex.
