Wait, Our??

Alex pov.

The woman in front of me was different, she looked like she hadn't slept for days when we had woken together today. She looked like she couldn't think straight, like she was, not my woman.

She looked different, funny how I still found her beautiful even in her state. Ryan looked like he would rather be elsewhere with the goofy woman he had gotten used to. Snap out of it Alex. Whatever happened to her after the call made me even more curious.

"hey, hey baby, how are you, talk to me, tell me, I'm here now" I tried reaching out to her.

"can we go home?"

"alright, get in, lets go."

The drive home was tense, it was like we were waiting for her to explode. On reaching home, I carefully sat her on one of the love chairs and waited for her to tell us about the call that had turned her world upside down.

"some people called today, they aid they have my Jenny and that I need to pay a ransom amount that would be equivalent to her worth for me. They warned me not to involve anyone and yadda yadda, but I really don't care, I just want my Jenny. Help me please. Help me." She sighed defeatedly.

"do you know who they are?"

"I don't know, it's not like I have any enemies or family, well other than Jenny who is like family." She said while looking at Ryan and i. this was not going to be easy. I had also realized that she had not mentioned her relationship with Jenny and I knew Ryan was curious too.

"Who is Jenny?" Ryan asked.

"she is a close friend. We used to live together before my parents passed away. She was the light in our family, while we were not related, she had this charm that got everyone to like her. She was always the cheerful one of the lot of us. She saw the good side of everyone, she believed that everyone deserved a chance. That everyone was important and that we had to take care of one another. She could help around as if she was our eldest sibling."

"Our?" I asked.

"Yeah, our. I had a sister but she had passed on with our parents during the accident. Jenny and I were the only survivors. While I was not harmed in any way, she was not so lucky. She broke her neck and had to undergo several surgeries to get better. She was everything I wanted to be. Sorry, I mean she is everything I have always wanted to be. She is the part of my lifeline that I can't lose, not again, I cannot go through loss again. Help me Alex."

I watched the woman I love talk adoringly about her friend that it was so sweet. I was happy that she had someone other than my family to rely on. I just wished she had told us earlier, but maybe she did not want to reveal too much about her.

I hoped though that someday I would understand her reasons. For now, we had a mission to plan.

Jay (the gang leader) pov

I was going to kill them when this was over. This specific woman was not to be involved in this; she was off-limits for anyone and everyone. Fvcking bastards.


Alex pov

How would we estimate the worth of human life? How was I supposed to save Jenny without going bankrupt again? A million maybe? Two? Ten? This was the hardest decision I and to make.

Going with Ryan to my office, we had to strategize because these people were obviously after money. I had told Lia to clean up and wait for us while we made plans for the rescue. She wanted her friend back, and I would get her friend back.

"Ryan, how many men do you think we will need for this rescue operation?"

"thirty to say the least, because we have to be alert, should they try to play us"

"Okay, call David and tell him to organize the men and weaponry we will need, meanwhile I'll just call Lexi to come sit with Lia while we handle the rest."

"what of the cash? I'm thinking we should take the stash of fake mills because we really don't know these guys, they might not even be after the money. Maybe this is all the doing of Jay."

"you're right, maybe this is their way of telling us they are in control."

"but wait, when we ran background checks on Lia, how come we didn't notice that she had close relationships?"

"her files were either classified or just deleted, remember?"

"do you think she is playing us?"

"c'mon, I'm just saying. Don't you think she came into our lives quite conveniently? She came when we had just closed the deal with Jay."

"you watch too many movies miya. Get ready and please for our sakes, stop watching detective shit."

"aight man, and take a shower please, your stench is worse than mine, and to think you had taken a shower."
