Double Crap

Alex pov

Making preparations is never easy, especially if anything could go wrong anytime, especially if the life of a loved one is at stake. We were ready, but no matter how ready we were there was some uncertainty.

The kidnappers had called earlier on to tell Lia the drop-off point and time which was 3pm, but it was a creepy alleyway. Lia seemed determined to do anything to save her friend, she no longer had fear on her face but instead she had a scary determination that even scared me.

It was as if she was able to handle herself, but how? When all she ever did was operate between home and work. She was the most antisocial woman I ever met and I was not complaining. I guess when life hits you hard you just have to live through without ear.

It was a few minutes to three o'clock when the bastards called again and Lia had to go, but not before I told her I had her back. I told her we would be watching from a distance and that she would get her friend back. Tailing her from a distance, my men and I had the area covered.

Even if the exchange went wrong, they would never get away with it. The atmosphere was tense, David was watching the whole scene using the drones we had dispatched, every little detail was being watched, and I mentally thanked myself for having such a great team.

Lia pov

My heart was beating so hard when I went off to the drop off point. I wanted this to end and I could only hope this would be over and done with. My footsteps were echoing so loudly in my ears that I felt nauseated.

While I knew that Alex was watching me, I also knew that with the condition at the company, it was impossible to get a million dollars in that short time. They probably mixed them with fakes but I did not care.

All I needed right now was Jenny, just Jenny.

If these people messed with me, they would know that I had krav maga classes. Distracting myself with happy thoughts was not doing me any good because my mind was busy contemplating the possible number of steps left to get to that fucking dustbin.

Ten more steps, I chanted.

Then I saw them, and jenny was in cuffs, these bastards.

Alex pov

They seemed to be talking about the transaction because in after some time, they handed jenny to Lia. Time seemed to slow down because as soon as they gave up jenny, we realized she had a vest bomb on, they claimed that this was to assure them that their money was not fake or anything.

Crap. This was bad.

I was sure the person who had the detonator was close, all wehad too do was find them but where would we even start. They were soon going to realize that we had handed them fakes and I was sure they would blow the woman up.

"David, I need more reinforcement asap, as soon as yesterday. Make it quick because if I lose my woman, you're dead." I knew I was not being fair with the threats but who could blame me, that was my lifeline in danger. She was the only good thing I had going for me, I would not lose that.

Five minutes was all it took for the parade to start raining bullets and that was just how long my whole life took to crumble. These people were also armed; it was like they knew what we were going to do, because they were better armed than us.

I shouted at Lia to move away, but she was so adamant that she did not even realize it when her friend was blown to bits. The explosion was too huge that the whole are rumbled.


There was confusion everywhere.

People were still recovering from the blast, but I couldn't be in peace until I saw miss beautiful. Not until I was sure she was okay, she had to be, she had to.

She was alive.

She had to be alive.

These remains were not hers.

The clothes just looked similar, right?

What I saw was more than just a kick to the gut. It was the worst nightmare I had lived, that I was going to live. The shards of explosives were attached with the chunks of flesh, but next to them was what was left of the love of my life.

Her face was unrecognizable, she was not recognizable.

What I was looking at was not my woman, it couldn't be.

"Ryan, Amelia, my Lia, she..she is still alive, right? The ambulance took her to the hospital, my Lia will be okay."

"Alexander, Alex, I'm so sorry buddy, but Lee, she is no more."

"but I just hugged her twenty minutes ago"

"I'm sorry."

I remember blacking out at the sound of Ryan's sorry, nothing else.


One week later

Beep..beep..beep. where the fuck was that annoying sound coming from. Fuck it was so loud. I thought as I got up to shut it off, but I couldn't move. Why was I incapacitated and why were there annoying sounds.

"hey, go call the doctor, his heart rate is increasing"

"Alright, I'll be back"

Who were these people, and why the fuck was I in the hospital?

"Alexander, can you hear me? If you can please move your hand."

Why was I being babied? God, these people are annoying, and where was Lia? Fuck I missed that woman. So I moved my hands just so the bastards would leave me be.

"Good, can you try opening your eyes?"

I couldn't.

I couldn't fucking move open my eyes and some stupid doctor was messing with me.

This had to be a dream, I couldn't be in the hospital, I was one of the strongest people I knew, and why was I even here and where the fuck was my woman?

"Alright, Ryan, it seems like he is making improvements. Try talking to him and see if he still responds, if he opens his eyes, just press the button over there, I'll be here faster than lightning."

"Alright, doc."

After what felt like forever, I heard muffled cries. Goodness, since when did Ryan become such a pussy?

"Hey Alex, I know you can hear me. Today is day seven since you fell into this cursed comma. We miss you man, your mom is here, Lexi is here, hell even your papa is here. Well for now I sent them away to clean up, but I'm not going, I'm not leaving your side. I know I stink but you can tell me that yourself."

This guy was unbelievable, seven days without a shower and he was in a hospital. These doctors really need to wash him up. I felt another annoying beep though they were faster.

"good, so you can hear me. I miss you man, we all do. We are all worried about you. You've been in this place for seven days, and your body is probably a tank of medicine. I know you're scared of needles, but if you knew just how to look right now, you'd be so freaked out. Wait, I'mma take a pic to show you when you wake up."

Then I heard clicks and something along the lines of "I'm taking a video, God your face will be so priceless when you recover."

He was talking about everything and anything, except for miss beautiful. Where was she, why was she not here? And why was I even in the hospital?

"if miss beautiful would be here, she would have kissed you and I know you'd have woken up. The two of you made me sick sometimes, well you. I really miss her. Anyways I was thinking if I gave you a kiss you'd wake up, y'know like the stupid sleeping beauty stories. Wait, I'll try that."

Holy mother of vegetable shit.

This motherfrigging asshole wanted to kiss me, I was not letting that happen.


Dear everything that is holy, please help me open my eyes, goddamn.

After what felt like forever, I opened my eyes, right when he was about to kiss me, on the fvcking lips.


This little trinket.

I thought he was going to give me a forehead kiss but hey the bastard just had to target whatever the fvck he went to. Sweet heavens, thank you.

"Dude, you woke up. I guess you really hate my kiss." He even had the nerve to pout, this asshole.

But why was I not able to talk? My throat felt like it had been rammed into a mixer of cement.

