Anxiety Attack

How was I to know I was going to have a seizure right the next day. I was in my Science class when a teacher walked into the room without even knocking. She looked uneasy and alarmed. I didn't know who she was either. She had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She reminded me of my mum. Seriously, she did.

She walked over to Mr Orrin and whispered something in his ear. Everyone in my class was entertained and didn't seem to notice her. I did though. I didn't even have a partner because I was sat on my own. My best friend was in a different lesson, so I had no one...

She didn't whisper for long because everyone was soon trying to eavesdrop. I hate my class in that way!

She quickly made her way to the door but then stopped. What? Then Mr Orrin walked up to ME and told me to pack up my stuff and walk down to the office.

" But, why?"

Mr Orrin looked at me, his eyes stared at me as if he felt sorry for me.

" You have to go immediately."

I sighed, packed my stuff and felt embarrassed. The WHOLE class was looking at me.

The teacher at the door took me out.

As we were walking down the stairs asked me " Lyne Anderson, isn't it?"

" Yea-! Yes I'm Lyne" I replied, worried that I might be in trouble.

"Am I in trouble miss?"

" Oh Lyne no! It's just we have to get you home this instant, to whoever's looking after you at home while your parents are gone."

I stopped as we came to the bottom of the grey stairs. What was going on? Why was this unknown teacher in such a hurry? How did she know my parents were off?

"Listen, I...I... whilst my parents are on holiday, I'm having go stay home alone."

" But... We were told that you were at home with your Mum's friend!"

" No! That's not true!"

I was getting stressed about this teacher and why she was being so awkward and not telling me what was going on.

" Come on, we must get you to the office."

When we reached the office, she told me to sit on the chair by the side of the first aid section of the office and wait. She was busy typing her hands out on the computer. The constant tapping noise made me highly nauseous. If I didn't tell you already, I have got anxiety and get worried very rapidly. So sitting here, not knowing anything, was resulting in an anxiety attack.

My heart was racing and I felt dizzy. Horrifying thoughts circled round and round my head and all of a sudden, my eyes shut tight as I suddenly staggered off the chair. All I remember was I felt a sharp pain right on my forehead as my head slammed the floor.

Blanked out.