Broken like never before

I woke up in a room. A very bright blue looking room. It hurt my eyes. I had no idea what was going on. Nobody was in sight. I was lying in a bed and a slight ache I felt in my head. I could barely get up and was curious about what was going on. There were high baby blue ceilings. A beautiful crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. There were no windows and just a little door right at the end of the room.

I got up and walked to the door. I opened it and walked out. There were narrow beige corridors, almost like a school.

Pretty coloured paintings were pinned on the walls. Just then a young lady dressed fully in blue, walked past me. She raised an eyebrow and glanced at her watch. She was beautiful. I carried on walking. I guess the lady thought I looked lost and walked back up to me.

" Shouldn't you be in lesson, Dear?" She asked. I looked down. She saw that I was wearing a school uniform and then when she saw I didn't reply, she bent down to look at my face.

" Heyyyyy, don't cry, sweetpea! You're probably the newcomer? Ohhhh, Lyne, right?"

I nodded. She put her soft arms round me and walked me to another room. Even prettier this time. Lilac based.

I didn't know what to say. I had so many questions but they didn't come out of my mouth. She held the door open for me. A middle aged woman was sat filling in a sheet.

"Was this who you were asking for Miss Alvarez?" The kind lady asked the woman.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Yes. Oh yes! Off you go Taylor."

Oh, her name was Taylor. As Taylor left the room, she patted my shoulder.

"Stay strong Lyne. There's still a lot to come."

I was scared from the woman sat at the table. I stood where I was and didn't look at her.

"I'm so sorry Lyne. You don't know what's going on. Please take a seat."

"I'm scared, where am I?" I whimpered.

She had a dark skin tone, heavy eye makeup and huge dangling hoops. Her hand tapped where she wanted me to sit. I shuffled over and sat down. She shifted her papers along to the side of the table. I looked at her and waited.

I was scared of her and would've asked her my questions, but I didn't. She placed her hands on the table and started fiddling with her extravagant shining rings.

"Hello Lyne Anderson. I am Miss Alvarez and am about to tell you everything you have been waiting to be told. I'm sure you will be very anxious for the coming days but please try your best to stay strong."

"Yes Miss Alvarez." I muttered.

"Yesterday night we were informed by airport and police security that the plane which your parents were on, has vanished completely. There are still many searches going on and we suspect the plane HAS crashed. You will be informed immediately, when we find out something. Meanwhile, you are going to stay in this teen's home with included lessons. Please don't worry. ."

My heart skipped a beat. Was this the truth or what? I stared into her serious brown eyes. She nodded softly, got out of her seat and gave me a long hug. If only I had known. If only I had said goodbye properly. If only. My eyes started to water and small droplets started to run out of my eyes. I didn't even care about Miss Alvarez anymore and slowly my crying got heavier and I started howling.

What if they're never found again? What if they're dead? Oh myyyyyy....