Cap Star

Day 2, 8:00 am 

It was finally the second day of the exam. Even though it was technically morning, the sky was still pitch black as the planet is night-time 75% of the time. Team Natalia was still fast asleep like they had no care in the world.

Suddenly, a powerful, boisterous, stomping sound was heard slowly approaching the cave from the outside. As a result, the noise woke up Haley who was sleeping closest to the cave's entrance.  

She slowly opened her eyes and looked towards the entrance of the cave. There she saw the shadow of what looked like a huge bear monster the same size as some of the largest trees. 

As the figure of the bear became bigger, so did the sound of the stomps. Haley stared at the huge bear, visibly shaking and shivering, cold sweat running down her face with a fearful look in her eyes. She was almost too scared to move. Almost.