
"Ummmm… Yes! Of course!" Haley replied in a flustered manner, immediately starting to heal all his wounds. 

"Well, I'm really tired. I'm going back to the cave to take a nap. Call me when you guys want to go somewhere or if something important happens. Don't get too intimate now," Jay said, walking back into the cave, not before staring daggers at the seemingly oblivious Moby. 

"Same here! Bye! You two have fun!" Travis said in his usual overly joyous tone, following right behind Jay who gave him a mean look a second after.

"Hey… I'm sorry to ask, but, what is that yellow stuff dripping from your clothes?" Moby asked, feigning ignorance, trying his best not to break his poker face and burst out in laughter. 

Suddenly, Haley stopped her treatment, her face became redder than a tomato. She took a few steps back before awkwardly waddling into the cave for a few seconds before coming back.