A Servant's Failure

As Moby looked at the weary, sweating Abby, many thoughts started running through his head...

When he used his emotion-sensing on her to confirm that he was not imagining things, the result only led to confirm his suspicions as it read...


Other than when they first met at that coffee shop that day, he had never seen her in such a state, making him extremely worried about her. She had an unbreakable will of steel and she was more hardworking than anyone else all to accomplish her goals, usually, nothing would be able to faze her in the slightest.

In his mind, there were only a few plausible explanations for what happened. 

If she also went through a trial, and if it was anything similar to his own, that might have been where the problem stemmed from. The test that Moby took was about overcoming his past and thinking rationally, something that he knew Abby had many, many problems and traumas from.