End of the Exercise

'Huh!? Really? You can't remember anything? Like at all? Do you at least remember the setting of where you were?' Moby asked with immense confusion, trying his best to get out as much information from Abby as possible as there was a small chance that his questions would make her remember something that she had forgotten. 

'No, my lord… I have no recollection of anything other than the stabbing sensation and pain, and the look on my sister's face… Even the background around her was a blur, I couldn't make out anything about it…' Abby explained in a nervous yet firm voice, reconfirming her previous statement. 

Abby's words made Moby think hard as his mind started spinning in circles. Was that supposed to happen? Are a person's memories supposed to be wiped after a trial? But if that was the case it should have also happened to him…. Was he a special case?