Truth (2)

Even despite her high and mighty demeanour, Avilia's face was visibly stunned at the revelation unveiled to her just now. It was almost more than she could handle… The fact that the angels had been controlling the mortal realm for so long and that her homeland was in all likely hood wiped out was much to bear, and she was once again furious with herself that she no longer had the ability to sense the truth with her own powers… 

Yet, it was all things that were major possibilities, and things that she had already come to terms with long ago. What Rupert just did was confirm her suspicions and make her feel a deeper yearning and dependency for her homeland. 

The problem was how she would be going to combat such an angel force… However, that was for another time, currently, there was something else, a realization bugging her mind. 

"Rupert. Do you think Gluttony is somewhere still out there in the mortal realm?"