

A groan gently trickled into Artorias's ears. He knew not its origin, it was vague and dim, coming from all directions in the darkness that overcame him.

<< Ishrivnsivar Uglapharir… >>

The sounds gradually began to flow in more, and the darkness before him began to turn into a gray.

'What— what is that…' He thought to himself, and in that moment he felt the two lids blocking his vision slowly lift, unveiling a blurry, murky world. 

And in that spinning world, he witnessed two figures with glowing eyes peering down at him. His memory was even foggier than his vision. Despite his perception slowly improving, and the faces of these beings became clearer, he did not know what was happening. 

But that was when he heard a familiar voice enter his ears, and the world became crystal, like dots connected in a lost part of his mind. 

"Hello, Artorias. Nice to have you with us again…"